第6期 白永强等:钒钛烧结料床竖向不均匀烧结 ·701· 50 um 50m M一磁铁矿:F一SFCA:V一玻璃质矿物:L一正硅酸钙:P一钙钛矿 图5矿样S,的矿相结构.(a)SFCA/M熔蚀结构:(b)VIM粒状结构与M/M连品结构 Fig.5 Mineralogical structures of sinter S:(a)SFCA/M molten structure:(b)V/M granular structure and M/M bonding structure (4)钒钛烧结矿由六种主要矿物组成,包括磁 and quality of vanadium-titanomagnetite concentrates.Sintering 铁矿、赤铁矿、铁酸钙、硅酸钙、钙钛矿和玻璃相;随 Pelletizing,1999,24(4):19 着料层深度的增加,磁铁矿、硅酸钙和钙钛矿含量增 (傅菊英,石军.提高钒钛磁铁精矿烧结产质量的研究.烧结 球团,1999,24(4):19) 多,铁酸钙和赤铁矿含量下降,这与成矿过程的温度 Kasai E,Rankin W J,Gannon J F.Effect of raw mixture proper- 和气氛变化直接相关. ties on bed permeability during sintering.IS/J Int,1989,29 (1): (5)钒钛烧结矿中常见有四种微观结构.铁酸 33 钙与磁铁矿的熔蚀结构最常见,但随着料层深度增 [8]Zuo H B,Cao L H,Liu Z J,et al.Stand-support sintering for im- 加,该结构中铁酸钙比例逐渐降低,黏结强度变差; proving sinter productivity.J Unig Sci Technol Beijing,2008,30 (10):1101 上层烧结矿中针状铁酸钙与磁铁矿的交织结构较 (左海滨,曹丽华,刘征建,等.支架支撑烧结提高烧结生产 多,含量随深度增加而减少,针状铁酸钙的结构变得 率.北京科技大学学报,2008,30(10):1101) 粗大,还原性和强度下降;下层烧结矿中粒状结构和 9]Wang Y F,Wu S L,Han H L.Improvement in quality and quan- 铁矿物连晶结构所占体积明显增加,钙钛矿和正硅 tity indices of sinter with high proportion of limonite.J Unir Sci 酸钙常出现在晶界上,破坏黏结相结构的强度 Techno Beijing,2010,32(3):392 (王跃飞,吴胜利,韩宏亮。高褐铁矿配比下提高烧结矿产质 量指标.北京科技大学学报,2010,32(3):392) 参考文献 [10]Oyama N,HiguchiT,Machida S.Effect of phosphorous iron ore Dong Y C.Yu S R.Behavior of titanium in BF and its effect on distribution in quasi-particle on melt fluidity and sinter bed per- lining life of hearth and bottom./ron Steel,1988,23(6):3 meability during sintering.ISIJ Int,2009,49(5):650 (董一诚,余绍儒.钛在高炉内的行为及其对炉缸炉底寿命的 01] Guo X M,Zhu L.Li Q,et al.Mineralogical composition and 影响.钢铁,1988,23(6):3) microstructure of high basicity sinters.Iron Steel,2007,42(1): Li Y,Li Y Q,Fruchan R J.Formation of titanium carbonitride 17 from hot metal.IS/J Int,2001,41(12):1417 (郭兴敏,朱利,李强,等.高碱度烧结矿的矿物组成与矿相 B]Wang X Q.Smelting of V-bearing Titanomagnetite in Blast Fur- 结构特征.钢铁,2007,42(1):17) nace.Beijing:Metallurgical Industry Press,1994 [12]Choudhary M K,Nandy B.Effect of flame front speed on sinter (王喜庆.钒钛磁铁矿高炉治炼.北京:治金工业出版社, structure of high alumina iron ores.IS/J Int,2006,46(5):611 1994) [13]Lovel R R,Vining K R.Dell'Amico M.The influence of fuel 4]Gan Q,He M G.He Q.Study on the influence of Fe0 content on reactivity on iron ore sintering.ISIJ Int,2009,49(2):195 quality and quantity of V-Ti-bearing sinter.Sintering Pelletizing, 4]Watanabe S,Otake Y.Effects of limestone addition on tempera- 2009,34(1):14 ture distribution of the sintering bed.Tetsu-to-Hlagane,1963,49 (甘勤,何木光,何群.F0对钒钛烧结矿产质量影响的研究. (10):1268 烧结球团,2009,34(1):14) [15]Zhang S J,Wang S T.Formation mechanism of acicular calcium 5]Sinha M,Ramna R V.Effect of variation of alumina on the micro- ferrite.Iron Steel,1992,27(7):7 hardness of iron ore sinter phases.IS//Int,2009,49(5):719 (张世娟,王树同.针状铁酸钙形成机理的实验研究.钢铁, 6]Fu JY,Shi J.Investigation on improving the sinters productivity 1992,27(7):7)第 6 期 白永强等: 钒钛烧结料床竖向不均匀烧结 M—磁铁矿; F—SFCA; V—玻璃质矿物; L—正硅酸钙; P—钙钛矿 图 5 矿样 S4的矿相结构. ( a) SFCA/M 熔蚀结构; ( b) V/M 粒状结构与 M/M 连晶结构 Fig. 5 Mineralogical structures of sinter S4 : ( a) SFCA/M molten structure; ( b) V/M granular structure and M/M bonding structure ( 4) 钒钛烧结矿由六种主要矿物组成,包括磁 铁矿、赤铁矿、铁酸钙、硅酸钙、钙钛矿和玻璃相; 随 着料层深度的增加,磁铁矿、硅酸钙和钙钛矿含量增 多,铁酸钙和赤铁矿含量下降,这与成矿过程的温度 和气氛变化直接相关. ( 5) 钒钛烧结矿中常见有四种微观结构. 铁酸 钙与磁铁矿的熔蚀结构最常见,但随着料层深度增 加,该结构中铁酸钙比例逐渐降低,黏结强度变差; 上层烧结矿中针状铁酸钙与磁铁矿的交织结构较 多,含量随深度增加而减少,针状铁酸钙的结构变得 粗大,还原性和强度下降; 下层烧结矿中粒状结构和 铁矿物连晶结构所占体积明显增加,钙钛矿和正硅 酸钙常出现在晶界上,破坏黏结相结构的强度. 参 考 文 献 [1] Dong Y C,Yu S R. 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