6 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Human body 食 Uterine tube Seminal vesicle DEFINITION The body organs that produce, store, and transport reproductive cells(gametes, or sperm and or FUNCTIONS Reproduce the organism, produce sex hormones. Figure 1.11 Male and female reproductive systems. objective D To list the body systems and to describe the general functions of each. 1.10 Which body systems function in support and movement? The muscular and skeletal systems are frequently referred to as the musculoskeletal system because of their combined functional role in body support and locomotion. Both systems, along with the movable (synovial) joints, are studied extensively in kinesiology(the mechanics of body motion). The integumen- ry system also provides some support, and its flexibility permits movement. 1.11 Which body systems function in integration and coordination? The endocrine system and nervous system maintain consistency of body functioning, the former by secret- ing hormones(chemical substances)into the bloodstream and the latter by producing nerve impulses (electrochemical signals) carried via neurons( 1. 12 Which body systems are involved with processing and transporting body substances? Nutrients, oxygen, and various wastes are processed and transported by the digestive, respiratory, circu- latory, lymphatic, and urinary systems. The lymphatic system, which is generally considered part of the circulatory system, is composed of lymphatic vessels, lymph fluid, lymph nodes, the spleen, and the thy mus. It transports lymph from tissues to the bloodstream, defends the body against infections, and aids in the absorption of fats Diseases or functional problems of the circulatory system are of major clinical importance because of the potential for disruption of blood flow to a vital organ. Arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is a generalized degenerative vascular disorder that results in the loss of elasticity and thickening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is a type of arteriosclerosis in which plaque material called atheroma forms on the inside lining of vessels. A thrombus is a clot within a vessel. An anet expansion or bulging of an artery, whereas a coarctation is a constriction of a segment of a vesselObjective D To list the body systems and to describe the general functions of each. 1.10 Which body systems function in support and movement? The muscular and skeletal systems are frequently referred to as the musculoskeletal system because of their combined functional role in body support and locomotion. Both systems, along with the movable (synovial) joints, are studied extensively in kinesiology (the mechanics of body motion). The integumen￾tary system also provides some support, and its flexibility permits movement. 1.11 Which body systems function in integration and coordination? The endocrine system and nervous system maintain consistency of body functioning, the former by secret￾ing hormones (chemical substances) into the bloodstream and the latter by producing nerve impulses (electrochemical signals) carried via neurons (nerve cells). 1.12 Which body systems are involved with processing and transporting body substances? Nutrients, oxygen, and various wastes are processed and transported by the digestive, respiratory, circu￾latory, lymphatic, and urinary systems. The lymphatic system, which is generally considered part of the circulatory system, is composed of lymphatic vessels, lymph fluid, lymph nodes, the spleen, and the thy￾mus. It transports lymph from tissues to the bloodstream, defends the body against infections, and aids in the absorption of fats. Diseases or functional problems of the circulatory system are of major clinical importance because of the potential for disruption of blood flow to a vital organ. Arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is a generalized degenerative vascular disorder that results in the loss of elasticity and thickening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is a type of arteriosclerosis in which plaque material called atheroma forms on the inside lining of vessels. A thrombus is a clot within a vessel. An aneurysm is an expansion or bulging of an artery, whereas a coarctation is a constriction of a segment of a vessel. 6 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the Human Body DEFINITION The body organs that produce, store, and transport reproductive cells (gametes, or sperm and ova). FUNCTIONS Reproduce the organism, produce sex hormones. Figure 1.11 Male and female reproductive systems
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