AEATECHNOLoGY ENGINEERING SOFTWAR Structure of a Template Variables, constants are passed through the argument list and common blocks SUBROUTINE USRSRC (IEQN, I CALL, CNAME, CALIAs, AM, SP, SU, CONV XP, YP, ZP, VOL, AREA, VPOR, ARPOR, WFACT, IPT 工BLK, IPVERT,工 PNODN,工 PFACN, I PNO DE, IPNODE, IPFACE ,WoRK,工WORK, CWORK) UVWP VERAC DEN.TH are dimensioned (NNODE, NPHASE) SCAL is dimensioned(NNODE, NPHASE, NSCAL) XP, YP, ZP are dimensioned(NNODE) CFX-4 CFX-4.3V4.3.1H Introductory Training(Dec 1999)CFX-4 Introductory Training (Dec 1999) 9 -9 CFX-4.3 V4.3.1H Structure of a Template Variables, constants are passed through the argument list and common blocks SUBROUTINE USRSRC(IEQN,ICALL,CNAME,CALIAS,AM,SP,SU,CONV + ,U,V,W,P,VFRAC,DEN,VIS,TE,ED,RS,T,H,RF,SCAL + ,XP,YP,ZP,VOL,AREA,VPOR,ARPOR,WFACT,IPT + ,IBLK,IPVERT,IPNODN,IPFACN,IPNODF,IPNODB,IPFACB + ,WORK,IWORK,CWORK) - U, V, W, P, VFRAC, DEN, …, T, H are dimensioned (NNODE, NPHASE) - SCAL is dimensioned (NNODE, NPHASE, NSCAL) - XP, YP, ZP are dimensioned (NNODE)