take the H for Huron,the O for Ontario,the M for Michigan, the E for Erie and the S for Superior and you make the word homes.Now you don't stop there--and this is what I really want people to get from this information,that you don't just stop at homes,you don't just stop at an acronym,you take it further.You see homes --it can be floating homes,on the lake,and you see people talking about their homes on the lake,and they're saying 'aren't these lakes beautiful that we float around on in our homes.'And so you can see you deepen the image that you have. RS:"At one point in my life,I really,really wanted to be good at telling jokes.I never told many jokes and I thought it would be really fun to do that.And so what I did is--but I could never remember the punch lines of the jokes that I'd hear.So I would write the punch lines down or a word or two, and all of a sudden I had a repertoire of jokes.So I think that writing down reinforces in some ways the things you're trying to remember." AA:"Assuming you can remember where you put the paper. You know that situation... ELDH:"Absolutely." AA:"You write something down and you can't--is there atake the H for Huron, the O for Ontario, the M for Michigan, the E for Erie and the S for Superior and you make the word homes. Now you don't stop there -- and this is what I really want people to get from this information,that you don't just stop at homes, you don't just stop at an acronym, you take it further. You see homes -- it can be floating homes, on the lake, and you see people talking about their homes on the lake, and they're saying 'aren't these lakes beautiful that we float around on in our homes.' And so you can see you deepen the image that you have." RS: "At one point in my life, I really, really wanted to be good at telling jokes. I never told many jokes and I thought it would be really fun to do that. And so what I did is -- but I could never remember the punch lines of the jokes that I'd hear. So I would write the punch lines down or a word or two, and all of a sudden I had a repertoire of jokes. So I think that writing down reinforces in some ways the things you're trying to remember." AA: "Assuming you can remember where you put the paper. You know that situation ... " ELDH: "Absolutely." AA: "You write something down and you can't -- is there a
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