Ozone in the News DEB知strs R for Health Care Nations meet in Montreal to discuss global TIME agreement on banning CFC chemicals,not usually done except for chemical warfare ageints. CFC's are in everyone's home already,so they're not killing anyone right now. Rush Limbaugh says it's a fraud,a scientific consipracy,grant grubbing,and government just interfering with our lives. THE DANGER MOVES CLOSER TO HOME →What's going on? An otherwise arcane area of chemistry catapulted into international prominence.A combination of lab measurements,satellite data,plane flights,and physical chemistry is needed to piece the puzzle together of why ozone is being lost. VII-3➩ Nations meet in Montreal to discuss global agreement on banning CFC chemicals, not usually done except for chemical warfare ageints. ➩ CFC's are in everyone's home already, so they're not killing anyone right now. ➩ Rush Limbaugh says it's a fraud, a scientific consipracy, grant grubbing, and government just interfering with our lives. ➩ What's going on? ➩ An otherwise arcane area of chemistry catapulted into international prominence. A combination of lab measurements, satellite data, plane flights, and physical chemistry is needed to piece the puzzle together of why ozone is being lost. Ozone in the News VII-3