onarmonalLicening Coniract 19 t of lnt al lic al lic sina Contrac Section 4 International Technology Consult a nd Service Contract 4.1 Concept and Characteristics 4.2 Forms of Technology Consult and Service Contract 4.3 Matters Should Be Pay Attention to Chapter 7 Law of International Trade in Service Number of Class Hour:4 Aim and Requi rement Let the stude Key ant and c stics of International Trade in Service 2 GATS of WTO Knowledge Structure Concept and Characteristics of International Trade in Service; 2. Concept and Characteristics of Law of International Trade in Service; International Agreement Concerning Intermnational Trade in Service:GATS tion 1 General Introduction of Intern tional Trade in Service al Service 13 I aw of Inte ction 2 General Agreement on Trade in Service(GATS) 2.1 Emergence of GATS 2.2 Main Content of GATS Part Three Legal System of International Direct Investment Chap Intr oduction of Legal System of International Direct Investment ass Hour:1 et the tudents ko basic knowledge about international direct investment. Key Points and Difficult Points: Concept of International direct investment Knowledge Structure General introduction Difference betw on 1 interational direct investment and intemational indirect investment 1 oncept of l ntemnational Investment and Types Section 2 Difference Between International Direct Investment and International Indirect Investment Section 3 Other Investment Ways Chapter 10 Legal Forms of Enterprises for International Direct Investment Number of Class Hour:1 Aim and Requirement: Let the students know different legal forms about international direct investment. Key Points and Difficult Points: Legal forms of International direct investment dge S Section 3 International Licensing Contract ⒊1 Concept and Characteristics of International Licensing Contract ⒊2 Types of International Licensing Contract ⒊3 Content of International Licensing Contract ⒊4 Restrictive Clauses of International Licensing Contract Section 4 International Technology Consult and Service Contract ⒋1 Concept and Characteristics ⒋2 Forms of Technology Consult and Service Contract ⒋3 Matters Should Be Pay Attention to Chapter 7 Law of International Trade in Service Number of Class Hour: 4 Aim and Requirement: Let the students know the concept and characteristics of International Trade in Service, and the students should learn GATS of WTO. Key Points and Difficult Points: 1. Concept and characteristics of International Trade in Service 2. GATS of WTO Knowledge Structure 1. Concept and Characteristics of International Trade in Service; 2. Concept and Characteristics of Law of International Trade in Service; 3. International Agreement Concerning International Trade in Service: GATS Section 1 General Introduction of International Trade in Service ⒈1 Concept of International Trade in Service ⒈2 characteristics of International Trade in Service ⒈3 Law of International Trade in Service Section 2 General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS) ⒉1 Emergence of GATS ⒉2 Main Content of GATS Part Three Legal System of International Direct Investment Chapter 9 General Introduction of Legal System of International Direct Investment Number of Class Hour: 1 Aim and Requirement: Let the students know basic knowledge about international direct investment. Key Points and Difficult Points: Concept of International direct investment Knowledge Structure 1. General introduction 2. Difference between international direct investment and international indirect investment Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Concept of International Investment and Types 1.2 Investment Environment Section 2 Difference Between International Direct Investment and International Indirect Investment Section 3 Other Investment Ways Chapter 10 Legal Forms of Enterprises for International Direct Investment Number of Class Hour: 1 Aim and Requirement: Let the students know different legal forms about international direct investment. Key Points and Difficult Points: Legal forms of International direct investment Knowledge Structure 1. Equity Joint Venture
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