21.2 Response elements identify genes under common regulation Response elements GRE BLE MRBRE BLETRE MREGC MRE TATA 260-240-220200-180-160140120-100305040-200 Steroid- receptor AP 2 2(21 ?sP1? Protein binding Figure 21. 1 The regulatory region of a human metallothionein gene contains regulator elements in both its promoter and enhancer. The promoter has elements for metal induction; an enhancer has an element for response to glucocorticoid. Promoter elements are shown above the map and proteins that bind them are indicated below. 请莘大Figure 21.1 The regulatory region of a human metallothionein gene contains regulator elements in both its promoter and enhancer. The promoter has elements for metal induction; an enhancer has an element for response to glucocorticoid. Promoter elements are shown above the map, and proteins that bind them are indicated below. 21.2 Response elements identify genes under common regulation
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