ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 3 o Carbocations are electron deficient. The have only six electron in their valence shell, and because of this carbocations are lewis acids o Carbocations occur as intermediates in some organic reactions o Carbocations react rapidly with Lewis bases C C-B Carbocation anion (a lewis acid )(a lewis base) A electrophile A nucleophile Department of Chemistry, Xiamen UniversityORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 3 Carbocations are electron deficient. The have only six electron in their valence shell, and because of this carbocations are Lewis acids. Carbocations occur as intermediates in some organic reactions. Carbocations react rapidly with Lewis bases. C + B Carbocation C B (a Lewis acid) anion (a Lewis base) A electrophile A nucleophile