试卷代号:2155 中央广播电视大学2011一2012学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语阅读(1) 试题答案及评分标准 (供参考) 2012年1月 Part I (30 points,3 points each) 1.music 2.invite 3.on 4.at 5.that 6.music 7.After 8.return 9.Yours 10.able Part II(30 points,3 points each) 11.What programme has the Chinese government implemented in the past two years? 12.What kind of people can be covered by the programme? 13.Where will the funding for the programme come from? 14.What might be the causes for joblessness and redundancies? 15.What's the significance of the programme? 16.sick 17.increasing 18.indoor 19.dried 20.artificial 930试卷代号 中央广播电视大学 0 11 2学年度第一学期"开放专科"期末考试 英语阅读 )试题答案及评分标准 (供参考) 2012 年1 Part I (30 points, 3 points each) 1. music 2. invite 3. on 4. at 5. that 6. music 7. After 8. return 9. Yours 10. able Part II (30 points, 3 points each) 11. What programme has the Chinese government implemented in the past two years? 12. What kind of people can be covered by the programme? 13. Where will the funding for the programme come from? 14. What might be the causes for joblessness and redundancies? 15. What' s the significance of the programme? 16. sick 17. increasing 18. indoor 19. dried 20. artificial 930
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