在句子中起名词作用的各种从句叫名词从句,包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 一)各种名词性从句举例 1、主语从句(the Subject Clause)】 That he is honest is clear. 很明显他是诚意的。 When the meeting is to be held is still unknown. 会议什么时候举行,现在还不知道。 2、宾语从句(the Object Clause) He said that he would come. 他说他将要来的, He told me where they lived. 桔我a的as late. 他解释了他迟到的 原因 ative Clause) he says is that he will joir us. 他所说的是他将加入我们的行列。 4、同位语从句(the Appositive Clause) The proposal that the meeting be held soon was accepted. 那个要求立即召开会议的建议被采纳了。 二)、有关名词性从句的几个问题 田whatI县名司从句 他把他所知道的告诉了我。不可以说 He told me the things what he knew.( 2、同位词从句一般用that引导,但有时也可用whether,when,where,why,how,what等来引导。例 如: He raised a question whether he might go with us. 他提出一个问题,问他是否可以和我们一道去。 i have no idea when she will arrive 我不知道她何时到达。 ht可用来引导定语从句,也可用来引导同位语从句。 在定语从句中起主语或宾语作用,但在同 位语从句中不担任何句子成分,只起引导作用,不可省略。 练习o esshattdoesntmater food is eaten raw or cooked 2hoao%taau6t professor Smith's lecture will be welcomed. .that b.whether c.why d.when 73.My mother told me a.that the purpose of our visit was b.what the purpose of our visit was C.that was the purpose of our visit f our visi cide firs or not she wants to marry. the conversation a wh ichmight continue b.which.continue c.that.continued d.that.continue 76.I know nothing about him except he lives next door 在句子中起名词作用的各种从句叫名词从句,包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 一) 各种名词性从句举例 1、 主语从句(the Subject Clause ) That he is honest is clear. 很明显他是诚意的。 When the meeting is to be held is still unknown. 会议什么时候举行,现在还不知道。 2、 宾语从句(the Object Clause ) He said that he would come. 他说他将要来的。 He told me where they lived. 他告诉过我他们的住处。 She explained why she was late. 他解释了他迟到的原因。 3、 表语从句(the Predicative Clause) What he says is that he will join us. 他所说的是他将加入我们的行列。 4、 同位语从句(the Appositive Clause) The proposal that the meeting be held soon was accepted. 那个要求立即召开会议的建议被采纳了。 二)、有关名词性从句的几个问题 1、 用what引导名词从句,其前面不需任何先行词,它等于"the thing which"。例如: He told me what he knew.(= He told me the things which he knew.) 他把他所知道的告诉了我。不可以说 He told me the things what he knew. (错) 2、同位词从句一般用that引导,但有时也可用whether, when, where, why, how, what等来引导。例 如: He raised a question whether he might go with us. 他提出一个问题,问他是否可以和我们一道去。 I have no idea when she will arrive. 我不知道她何时到达。 3、 that可用来引导定语从句,也可用来引导同位语从句。 在定语从句中起主语或宾语作用,但在同 位语从句中不担任何句子成分,只起引导作用,不可省略。 练习: 71. Mother says that it doesn't matter _ food is eaten raw or cooked. a. how c. that c. whether d. if 72. I don't doubt _ professor Smith's lecture will be welcomed. a. that b. whether c. why d. when 73. My mother told me _ a. that the purpose of our visit was b. what the purpose of our visit was c. that was the purpose of our visit d. what was the purpose of our visit 74.Nancy has to decide first _or not she wants to marry. a. if b. whether c. that d. which 75. Andrew had a warm desire _ the conversation _ . a. which.might continue b. which.continue c. that.continued d. that.continue 76. I know nothing about him except _ he lives next door
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