2 Bonds Between Adjacent Atoms: Localized Bonding,Molecular Orbital Theory Chemical Bond Covalent Bond 3 Localized Two-Center.Two-Electron(2c-2e)Bond:Electron Pair Bond 2 Octet Rul 30 210 Oxidation Number (Oxidation State) 211 Formal Charge 2 12 Nonpolar Covalent Bond 2.13 Dipole Moment 2.14 Dipole Moments of Polyatomic Molecules;Vectorial Addition of Dipole Moments 2.15 Polar Covalent Bond:Partially lonic Bond 2.16 lonic Bond 2.17 Single,Double,and Triple Bonds 2.18 Morse Curve 20 b ciation Energy Do 223 2 Ionic Radi nd r 6677389 25 der Waals Radiu 6 Coordinate Covalent Bond (Dative Bond) 227 Hydrogen Bond 40 228 Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion(VSEPR) 220 Molecular Orbitals 2.30 Molecular Orbital (MO)Theory 2.31 Bonding Molecular Orbitals 2.32 Antibonding Molecular Orbitals 2.33 Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) 2.34 Basis Set of Orbitals 252 Bonds Between Adjacent Atoms: Localized Bonding, Molecular Orbital Theory 2.1 Chemical Bond 27 2.2 Covalent Bond 28 2.3 Localized Two-Center, Two-Electron (2c-2e) Bond; Electron Pair Bond 28 2.4 Valence Bond (VB) Theory 28 2.5 Lone Pair Electrons 28 2.6 Lewis Electron (Dot) Structures 28 2.7 Octet Rule 29 2.8 Electronegativity 29 2.9 Valence, Ionic Valence, Covalence 30 2.10 Oxidation Number (Oxidation State) 31 2.11 Formal Charge 32 2.12 Nonpolar Covalent Bond 32 2.13 Dipole Moment 33 2.14 Dipole Moments of Polyatomic Molecules; Vectorial Addition of Dipole Moments 33 2.15 Polar Covalent Bond; Partially Ionic Bond 34 2.16 Ionic Bond 35 2.17 Single, Double, and Triple Bonds 35 2.18 Morse Curve 35 2.19 Bond Length d0 36 2.20 Bond Dissociation 36 2.21 Bond Dissociation Energy D0 37 2.22 Bond Angle 37 2.23 Atomic Radius r0 37 2.24 Ionic Radius r and r 38 2.25 van der Waals Radius 39 2.26 Coordinate Covalent Bond (Dative Bond) 40 2.27 Hydrogen Bond 40 2.28 Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) 41 2.29 Molecular Orbitals 42 2.30 Molecular Orbital (MO) Theory 43 2.31 Bonding Molecular Orbitals 43 2.32 Antibonding Molecular Orbitals 43 2.33 Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) 43 2.34 Basis Set of Orbitals 44 25 The Vocabulary and Concepts of Organic Chemistry, Second Edition, by Milton Orchin, Roger S. Macomber, Allan Pinhas, and R. Marshall Wilson Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. c02.qxd 5/17/2005 5:13 PM Page 25
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