现代英语口语表示法500例( Evelyn录入) ★20☆ Have the Midas touch有生财的运气,手气好 Ask for trouble自找麻烦 You'd better find Rogers as you stock broker. He has the Midas touch Are you asking for trouble by challenging the emphasis on qualities education. You are asking for trouble if you cheat in the exam Be touch and go万分危险 The patient is out of danger now, but it was touch and go for a while blow one's own trumpet自吹自擂 If you want to sell more, you should learn to blow your own trumpet Throw in the towel认输 She tried to save their marriage by talking her husband out of taking Not give someone a tumble不理睬某人 drugs. But she finally threw in the towel Though Jackson has asked May to marry him for many times, she just wont give him a tumble. Have the inside track for something处于有利的地位 I'm an Art student. I don't have the inside track for applying for that job · Talk turkey打开天窗说亮话 Let's talk turkey, see if you agree. I'll get 55%of the share, and you'll · Keep track of someone/something掌握…的情况 get the rest He is keeping track of all my old friends · Not say uncle拒不认错,不服输 a gravy train走运,有赚钱的机会 I don't know when he has ever said uncle to anyone You will be on a gravy train if you can get that antique. It is worth more noney than it is offered Take a dim view of.对…抱悲观态度;不赞同 achers in middle schools usually take a dim view of students' talking · Have a mind like a steel trap头脑特别快 up too many after-class activities He has a mind like a steel trap. He can remember a new word even if e meets it once Walk all over someone任意欺负某人 rubbish in Bark up the wrong tree弄错目标 on my grass and wax my windows. I decided to fight back The detective has been following the man for a week. But it tums out that he has barked up the wrong tree Drive someone to the wa把某人逼得走投无路 He hates learning foreign languages. But the challenging situation · Be too quick on the trigger操之过急,行动过于仓促 drives him to the wall. He decides to go to an evening class You are always too quick on the trigger. You jump into his throat before he can explai现代英语口语表示法 500 例(Evelyn 录入) ☆ 20 ☆ • Have the Midas touch 有生财的运气,手气好 You’d better find Rogers as you stock broker. He has the Midas touch. • Be touch and go 万分危险 The patient is out of danger now, but it was touch and go for a while. • Throw in the towel 认输 She tried to save their marriage by talking her husband out of taking drugs. But she finally threw in the towel. • Have the inside track for something 处于有利的地位 I’m an Art student. I don’t have the inside track for applying for that job. • Keep track of someone/something 掌握……的情况 He is keeping track of all my old friends. • Be on a gravy train 走运,有赚钱的机会 You will be on a gravy train if you can get that antique. It is worth more money than it is offered. • Have a mind like a steel trap 头脑特别快 He has a mind like a steel trap. He can remember a new word even if he meets it once. • Bark up the wrong tree 弄错目标 The detective has been following the man for a week. But it turns out that he has barked up the wrong tree. • Be too quick on the trigger 操之过急,行动过于仓促 You are always too quick on the trigger. You jump into his throat before he can explain. • Ask for trouble 自找麻烦 Are you asking for trouble by challenging the emphasis on qualities education. You are asking for trouble if you cheat in the exam. • blow one’s own trumpet 自吹自擂 If you want to sell more, you should learn to blow your own trumpet. • Not give someone a tumble 不理睬某人 Though Jackson has asked May to marry him for many times, she just won’t give him a tumble. • Talk turkey 打开天窗说亮话 Let’s talk turkey, see if you agree. I’ll get 55%of the share, and you’ll get the rest. • Not say uncle 拒不认错,不服输 I don’t know when he has ever said uncle to anyone. • Take a dim view of…对……抱悲观态度;不赞同 Teachers in middle schools usually take a dim view of students’ talking up too many after-class activities. • Walk all over someone 任意欺负某人 My neighbor walked all over me. He left rubbish in my door, stamped on my grass and wax my windows. I decided to fight back. • Drive someone to the wall 把某人逼得走投无路 He hates learning foreign languages. But the challenging situation drives him to the wall. He decides to go to an evening class
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