Unit3 Money Management New Words词汇表 management n. the art or practice of managing,esp.of managing a business or money 管理,处理,经营 budget n. estimate of probable future income and expenditure 预算,预算案 to consider something,such as someone's opinion or a fact,and be it when youare deng hattodorm 考虑到,顾及 accordingly ad. in a suitable manner 照着,相应地 cushionn. something that protects you against something unpleasantthat might happen 起保护(或缓冲)作用的事物 unforeseen a. that youdid not expect to happen 未想到的.始料不及的 occur v.to happen 发生,出现 available a.(ofthings)that you can get,buy or find;(of a person)free to see or talk topeople 可得到的,可获得的;有空的 track v. to follow the progress or development of somebodyorsomething 跟踪(进展情况) financial a. connected with money and finance 财务的,财政的,金融的 due a. when a sum of money is due,it must be paid immediately 到期的 folder n. a cardboard or plastic cover for holding loose papers,etc. 文件夹,纸夹 shred v.to cut or tear something into pieces Unit 3 Money Management New Words 词汇表 management n. the art or practice of managing, esp. of managing a business or money 管理,处理,经营 budget n. estimate of probable future income and expenditure 预算,预算案 accommodate v. to consider something, such as someone's opinion or a fact, and be influenced by it when you are deciding what to do or explaining something 考虑到,顾及 accordingly ad. in a suitable manner 照着,相应地 cushionn. something that protects you against something unpleasant that might happen 起保护(或缓冲)作用的事物 unforeseen a. that you did not expect to happen 未想到的,始料不及的 occur v. to happen 发生,出现 available a. (of things) that you can get, buy or find; (of a person) free to see or talk to people 可得到的,可获得的;有空的 track v. to follow the progress or development of somebody or something 跟踪(进展情况) financial a. connected with money and finance 财务的,财政的,金融的 due a. when a sum of money is due, it must be paid immediately 到期的 folder n. a cardboard or plastic cover for holding loose papers, etc. 文件夹,纸夹 shred v. to cut or tear something into pieces
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