1引言设计学中的创新思维 building blocks are more dementary,any inductive bias associated Automatic design and with them is minimized,and at the same time architectural flex Hod Lipson: bility is maximized.Similarl,use of elementary building blocks ir manufacture of robotic lifeforms the fabrication process allows the ltter to be more systematic anc versatile.As a theoretical extreme,if we could use only atoms a Hod Lipson Jordan B.Polack building blocks,laws of physics as constraints and nanomanipul tion for fabrication,the versatility of the manufacturable desigr pace work that ed higher Evolutionary Robot level components and limited architectures (such as only tree Biological life is in control of its own means of reproduction, tions,hut at the expense of truncating the design space.Further more,these design spaces did not consider manufacturability. tions But this autonomy of design and manufacture has not yet been realized artifially.Robots are still laboriously designe and constructed by teams of human engineers,usually at con- must be absorbed through mass production,which is justified only for toys weapons and industrial systems such as automatic teller machines.Here we report the results of a combined approachinwhich simplee tromechanical systems are evolved through simulations from basic building blocks (bars,actuators and artificial neurons): the fittest'machines (defined by their locomotive ability)are then fabricated robotically using rapid manufacturing technol- ogy.We thus achieve autonomy of design and construction using evolution in a 'limited universe'physical simulationcoupled to utomatic fahrication. In the field of artificial life.'life as it could be'is examined on the basis of understanding the principles,and simulating the mechan- HOMEMADE 1616 Hod Lipson: Evolutionary Robot 1.引言-设计学中的创新思维
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