<20). Based on the findings and her laboratory data, you would recommend as the best therapy for her(难、应用) A. Initiation of propylthiouracil B. Initiation of methimazol C. Treatment only with propranolol, planning treatment throughout pregnancy D. Plan a referral to a surgeon during the second trimester of pregnancy for a subtotal thyroidectomy E. Recommend no treatment and simply follow thyroid function tests, because her hyperthyriod state is due to elevated human chorionic gonadotropin 2234鉴别原发性与继发性甲状腺功能减退最佳方法是(易、理解) A.TT3、TI4测定 B.甲状腺1摄取率 C.FT3、FT4 D.TSH测定 E.rT测定 2235.下列与甲状腺功能减退有关的症状是(易、记忆) A.重症肌无力 B.粘液性水肿面容 C.皮肤紫癜 D.甲状腺压痛 E.踝腱反射亢进 2236.TRH兴奋试验在原发性甲状腺功能减退患者中的结果是(中、理解) A.呈正常反应 B.呈过度反应 C.呈近似正常反应 D.TSH几乎不受TRH兴奋 E.反应低下 2237原发性甲状腺功能减退最常见的原因是(易、记忆) A.慢性淋巴性甲状腺炎 B.亚急性甲状腺炎 C.甲状腺切除术后 D.甲状腺肿瘤 E.单纯性甲状腺 2238. Which of the following may require a higher dosage of levothyroxine to be given to a hypothyroid patient?(中、应用) A. Cholestyramine B. Ferrous suofate C. Rifampin D. Third-trimester pregnancy E. All of the above *239亚急性甲状腺炎患者出现甲状腺功能亢进时,下列何种治疗最适当?(难、记忆) A.甲状腺次全切除 B.放射性核素治疗 C.心得安 D.碘剂治疗 E.他巴唑加心得安<20). Based on the findings and her laboratory data, you would recommend as the best therapy for her(难、应用) A. Initiation of propylthiouracil B. Initiation of methimazole C. Treatment only with propranolol, planning treatment throughout pregnancy D. Plan a referral to a surgeon during the second trimester of pregnancy for a subtotal thyroidectomy E. Recommend no treatment and simply follow thyroid function tests, because her hyperthyriod state is due to elevated human chorionic gonadotropin 2234.鉴别原发性与继发性甲状腺功能减退最佳方法是(易、理解) A.TT3、TT4 测定 B.甲状腺 131I 摄取率 C.FT3、FT4 D.TSH 测定 E.rT3 测定 2235.下列与甲状腺功能减退有关的症状是(易、记忆) A.重症肌无力 B.粘液性水肿面容 C.皮肤紫癜 D.甲状腺压痛 E.踝腱反射亢进 2236.TRH 兴奋试验在原发性甲状腺功能减退患者中的结果是(中、理解) A.呈正常反应 B.呈过度反应 C.呈近似正常反应 D.TSH 几乎不受 TRH 兴奋 E.反应低下 2237.原发性甲状腺功能减退最常见的原因是(易、记忆) A.慢性淋巴性甲状腺炎 B.亚急性甲状腺炎 C.甲状腺切除术后 D.甲状腺肿瘤 E.单纯性甲状腺 2238. Which of the following may require a higher dosage of levothyroxine to be given to a hypothyroid patient? (中、应用) A. Cholestyramine B. Ferrous suofate C. Rifampin D. Third-trimester pregnancy E. All of the above *2239.亚急性甲状腺炎患者出现甲状腺功能亢进时,下列何种治疗最适当?(难、记忆) A.甲状腺次全切除 B.放射性核素治疗 C.心得安 D.碘剂治疗 E.他巴唑加心得安
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