物理学 5-8电场强度与电势梯度 第五版 一等势面(Eequipotential surface) 空间电势相等的点连接起来所形成的面称为等势 面.为了描述空间电场强度和电势的分布,规定任意 两相邻等势面间的电势差相等. The spatial surfaces on which the electric potential is the same at every point is called an equipotential surface, In order to describe the spatial distribution of electric field intensity electric potential we require potential difference is the equal between any two adjacent equipotential surfaces ◇在静电场中,电荷沿等势面移动时,电场力做功为零 In the electrostatic field, the test charge mobility along the equipotential surface, the work by electric force is zero 第五章静电场 1/24第五章 静电场 物理学 第五版 5-8 电场强度与电势梯度 1/24 空间电势相等的点连接起来所形成的面称为等势 面. 为了描述空间电场强度和电势的分布,规定任意 两相邻等势面间的电势差相等. 一 等势面(Eequipotential surface) The spatial surfaces on which the electric potential is the same at every point is called an equipotential surface ,In order to describe the spatial distribution of electric field intensity & electric potential we require potential difference is the equal between any two adjacent equipotential surfaces 在静电场中,电荷沿等势面移动时,电场力做功为零。 = 0 ( − ) = 0 d = 0  b a ab a b W q V V q E l   In the electrostatic field, the test charge mobility along the equipotential surface, the work by electric force is zero
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