P.D. van Helden, E.G. Hoal/Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 36(2013 )287-294 16 Keet DF, Michel AL, Bengis RG, Becker P, van Dyk DS, van Vuuren and protection against challenge with with Mycobacterium bovis. [36] Dey B, Jain R, G an VD, Tyagi AK. A 17 DN, Aldwell FE, Vordermeier HM, Hewinson RG, Buddle and confers enhanced protection against BM. Protection against bovine tuberculosis induced by oral vac- 2011:6:e23360. ination of cattle with My m bovis bcg is not enhanced [37] Sweeney KA. by co-administration of atis induces potent bactericidal immunity against [18] Maue AC, Waters WR, Pa /C, etal. An ESAT-6: CFPl0 DNA vaccine ad [38] Waters WR, Palmer MV, Nonnecke B]. Thacker TC, Scherer CFC, Estes with virulent M. bovis vaccine 2007: 25: 4735-46. [19 de Klerk L Michel AL Bengis RG, Kriek NPl, Godfroid ]. Be accination failed Iffer) against experimental intratonsillar challenge with Mycobac [39] Sambandamurthy VK, Derrick SC, Hsu T, Chen B, Larsen MH, Estes DM, et al. Efficacy and immunogenicity of Mycobac DeltaRD1 against aerosol M. bovis infection in neonat a [40] Desel C, Dorhoi ental BCG 21 Lopez-Valencia G, Renter ta T, Williams JdJ. stimulating ination of type l and type 17 cytokine the protective efficacy F Mycob vaccine [41] Zimmerman DM, Waters WR, Lyashchenko KP Nonn lin veterinary Science 2010: 88: [22] Cross ML Henderson R], Lambeth MR, Buddle BM, Aldwell FE sinc in domes tability, efficacy, and palatability to brushtail possums (Tri- 42]H ladle M. Pawlowski A Schroder U, williams A Hatch ecula)in New Zealand. Journal of wildlife Diseases ulosis arabinomannan-protein conju- cine2003;21:4081-9 23 Buddle BM, Aldwell FE, de Lisle GW, vordermeier HM, Hewinson [43] Haile M, Schroder U. Hamasur B, Pawlowski A, Jaxmar T, Kallenius RG, Wedlock DN. Low oral BCG doses fail to protect cattle again nization with heat-killed Mycobacterium bovis bacille an experimental challenge with Mycobacterium bovis. Tuberculosis Calmette-Guerin(BCG) in Eurocine L3 adjuvant protects against 4 Garrido JM, an-Beck B, Minguijon E, Ballesteros C, lindo RC, et al. Protection against tuberculosis in Eurasian wild edades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica 2011; 29(SuppL. ONE2011:6:e24905 [45] Lahey T, Mitchell BK, Arbeit RD, ShethS, Matee M, Horsburgh CR, et al. [25 Palmer MV, Thacker TC, Waters WR. Vaccination of white-tailed deer protection (Odocoileus virginianus) with Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette Guerin Vaccine 2007: 25: 6589-97 ion. PLos one 2011: 6 e22074. [26] Buddle BM, Wedlock DN, Denis M. Progress in the development of [46] Rahman S, Magalhaes L Rahman J. Ahmed RK Sizemore DR, Scanga tuberculosis vaccines for cattle and wildlife. Infection and immunit 2006:112:191-200 cytolytic T cell response 27 Larsen MH, Biermann K Chen B, Hsu T, Sambandamurthy VK, Lack infected primates. Molecular Medicine 2012: 18: 647-58. [47] Rook GA, Stanford JL The Koch phenom sis vaccine candidates in ogy of tuberculosis. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 28 Capuano Sv, Croix DA, Pawar S, Zinovik A, Myers A, Lin PL, [48 Rodrigues LC, Mangtani P, Abubakar L How does the level of BCG vac- uman M. tuberculosis infection Infection and Immunity 2003: 71: [49] Weir RE, Gorak-Stolinska P, Floyd S, Lalor MK, Stenson S, Branson K, induced by BCG vaccina 29 Lin PL Rodgers M, Smith L, Bigbee M, Myers A, Bigbee C, et al. Quanti- [50] Stringer LA. Wilson PR, Heuer C, Hunnam JC. Mackintosh CG Effect of 30] Di Pietrantonio T, Correa JA, Orlova M, Behr MA, Schurr E. Joint paratuberculosis on specificity of diagne effects of host genetic background and mycobacterial pathog usceptibility to infection. 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