Thanks for inviting me.(谢谢你邀请我。) (It's)nice of you to come! Thank you for coming 你有事吗? What do you want?*比较莽撞的语气。 Is anyone here?(有人吗?) What do you want?(你有事吗?) What are you here for? 别客气,像在自己家一样。 Please feel free to make yourself at home. Make yourself at home. 请坐吧 Have a seat Have a seat.(请坐吧。) oh, thank you.(啊,谢谢。) Take a seat Please sit down 您尽兴 Enjoy yourself! Have a good time! 您喝点什么吗? Would you care for something to drink? A)Would you care for something to drink? (您喝点儿什么吗?) B)Yes,I" have a beer, please.(好的,我要啤酒。) *当拒绝A的提问时,可以用No, thank you.(谢谢,我不喝。)/ Maybe later.(过一会 儿再说) 没关系。(不用担心我。) Don't mind me Sorry, I'm too busy to talk to you now. (对不起,我太忙了,顾不上和你说话。) Don't mind me. i just came to see John 没关系,我只是来看看约翰。)Thanks for inviting me. (谢谢你邀请我。) (It's) nice of you to come! Thank you for coming. 你有事吗? What do you want? *比较莽撞的语气。 Is anyone here? (有人吗?) What do you want? (你有事吗?) What are you here for? 别客气,像在自己家一样。 Please feel free to make yourself at home. Make yourself at home. 请坐吧。 Have a seat. Have a seat. (请坐吧。) Oh, thank you. (啊,谢谢。) Take a seat. Please sit down. 您尽兴。 Enjoy yourself! Have a good time! 您喝点什么吗? Would you care for something to drink? A) Would you care for something to drink? (您喝点儿什么吗?) B) Yes, I'll have a beer, please. (好的,我要啤酒。) *当拒绝 A 的提问时,可以用 No, thank you. (谢谢,我不喝。)/Maybe later. (过一会 儿再说)。 没关系。(不用担心我。) Don't mind me. Sorry, I'm too busy to talk to you now. (对不起,我太忙了,顾不上和你说话。) Don't mind me. I just came to see John. (没关系,我只是来看看约翰。)
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