Character processing char chl, ch2 Declaration and initialization messageBox. show("ASCII code of character x is+ (int) Type conversion message. show("Character with AsCII code 88 is+ between int and char. (char)88 This comparison returns true because ascll value of a is 65 while that of 'c' is 99 C 2000 McGraw-Hill Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java--Wu Chapter 8-5© 2000 McGraw-Hill Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java--Wu Chapter 8 - 5 Character Processing Declaration and initialization char ch1, ch2 = ‘X’; Type conversion between int and char."ASCII code of character X is " + (int) 'X' );"Character with ASCII code 88 is " + (char)88 ); This comparison returns true because ASCII value of 'A' is 65 while that of 'c' is 99. ‘A’ < ‘c’