三、 Color Terminology 1. Hue -The color's position in the spectrum 2. Value- The lightness or darkness of a color relative to a gray scale starting at jet black at one end and ending with white at the other. 3. Chroma-How strongly colored the object is or how much the color differs in its strength of color from a gray sample of the same value. ⚫ Saturation and value reflect the color differences when a base color is mixed progressively more white for a lighter, less saturated color (a tint) or mixed with progressively more black for a darker value (a tone). ⚫ Brightness describes the total amount of reflected wavelength to a color. A key attribute when considering a substrate for printing. ⚫ Most package printing inks are transparent; light passes through them and is reflected from the substrate surface back to the observer. If the substrate surface is bright, then all wavelengths not absorbed by the pigment are reflected back. However, if the substrate absorbs some percentage of red, green, and blue, then the perceived reflected color will not appear as bright.三、 Color Terminology 1. Hue -The color's position in the spectrum 2. Value- The lightness or darkness of a color relative to a gray scale starting at jet black at one end and ending with white at the other. 3. Chroma-How strongly colored the object is or how much the color differs in its strength of color from a gray sample of the same value. ⚫ Saturation and value reflect the color differences when a base color is mixed progressively more white for a lighter, less saturated color (a tint) or mixed with progressively more black for a darker value (a tone). ⚫ Brightness describes the total amount of reflected wavelength to a color. A key attribute when considering a substrate for printing. ⚫ Most package printing inks are transparent; light passes through them and is reflected from the substrate surface back to the observer. If the substrate surface is bright, then all wavelengths not absorbed by the pigment are reflected back. However, if the substrate absorbs some percentage of red, green, and blue, then the perceived reflected color will not appear as bright