Listening and speaking A friend phones you with news of their company. Unfortunately, the line is bad and you cant understand everything. Listen and ask questions like this: VOICE 1: Weve opened an office in ..(beep) YOU: Sorry, where have you opened an office VOICE 2: Sorry, where have you opened an office?(repeat) References 16.1 Infinitive Past tense Past participle was/were bought come come do did done went gone leave left left make sell spoke read taken wrote 2 3 I,ve arranged the meeting with the area manager 4 I havent changed the meeting with the sales representative 5 I havent confirmed lunch with Sally Perkins 6 Ive cancelled dinner with john bates 16.2 appointment 2 Could need 5 badge 6 must 3 BEEP 1: If you follow me./ Please come in this way(3) Listening and speaking A friend phones you with news of their company. Unfortunately, the line is bad and you can’t understand everything. Listen and ask questions like this: VOICE 1: We’ve opened an office in … (beep) YOU: Sorry, where have you opened an office? VOICE 2: Sorry, where have you opened an office? (repeat) References 16.1 1 Infinitive Past tense Past participle be was / were been buy bought bought come came come do did done get got got go went gone have had had leave left left make made made meet met met put put put say said said see saw seen sell sold sold speak spoke spoken read read read take took taken write wrote write 2 3 I’ve arranged the meeting with the area manager. 4 I haven’t changed the meeting with the sales representative. 5 I haven’t confirmed lunch with Sally Perkins. 6 I’ve cancelled dinner with John Bates. 16.2 1 1d 2a 3b 4c 2 1 appointment 2 Could 3 sign 4 need 5 badge 6 must 3 BEEP 1: If you follow me … / Please come in this way …
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