Dialogue 1:Maintenance 维修 Customer:Room attendant,could you come here, 客人:服务员,能过来一下吗? please? 服务员:有什么事情要我做吗? Attendant:May I help you? 客人:有,你来浴室看看,水箱里的水溢出来了, C:Yes.Could you come into the bathroom?The water 淋浴的喷头也在漏水。怎么回事? in the toilet is running over and water is leaking 服务员我打电话给维修部。我们可以把浴室交 form the shower nozzle.What's wrong? 给水管工修理。另外,他也会检查一下其他 A:I'll call the Maintenance Department.We could 设备,像冲水管,手提淋浴器,水龙头和混 leave the bathroom for a plumber to do the 水龙头什么的,以保证不再出问题。 repairs.He will also check other facilities,such as 客人:能过来看一下床头柜电钮板吗?可能是出 flush pipes,the hand shower,faucets and mixing 了毛病,因为几乎所有的灯都不亮了。 values to make sure nothing will go wrong. 服务员:请别着急,交给我吧。 C:Could you come and have a look at the panel on the 客人:还有别的问题。这间屋里的彩电图像不清 bedside table?I think there must be something 楚。 wrong with it because almost all lamps do not work. 服务员:我知道了。我立即派电工来修理。 A:Don't worry,leave it to me. 客人:谢谢。 C:There's something more.The color TV in this room 服务员:夫人,请别客气。给您带来不便我们真 does not give clear pictures. 该道款。请稍等片刻。 A:I see.I will send electricians here to fix them. C:Thank you. A:Don't mention it,madam.We do apologize for the inconvenience.Please wait just a few minutes. 22 Dialogue 1:Maintenance Customer: Room attendant, could you come here, please? Attendant: May I help you? C: Yes. Could you come into the bathroom? The water in the toilet is running over and water is leaking form the shower nozzle. What’s wrong? A: I’ll call the Maintenance Department. We could leave the bathroom for a plumber to do the repairs. He will also check other facilities, such as flush pipes, the hand shower, faucets and mixing valuesto make sure nothing will go wrong. C: Could you come and have a look at the panel on the bedside table? I think there must be something wrong with it because almost all lamps do not work. A: Don’t worry, leave it to me. C: There’s something more. The color TV in this room does not give clearpictures. A: I see.I will send electricians here to fix them. C: Thank you. A: Don’t mention it, madam. We do apologize for the inconvenience. Please wait just a few minutes. 维修 客人:服务员,能过来一下吗? 服务员: 有什么事情要我做吗? 客人: 有,你来浴室看看,水箱里的水溢出来了, 淋浴的喷头也在漏水。怎么回事? 服务员:我打电话给维修部。我们可以把浴室交 给水管工修理。另外,他也会检查一下其他 设备,像冲水管,手提淋浴器,水龙头和混 水龙头什么的,以保证不再出问题。 客人: 能过来看一下床头柜电钮板吗?可能是出 了毛病,因为几乎所有的灯都不亮了。 服务员:请别着急,交给我吧。 客人: 还有别的问题。这间屋里的彩电图像不清 楚。 服务员:我知道了。我立即派电工来修理。 客人:谢谢。 服务员:夫人,请别客气。给您带来不便我们真 该道歉。请稍等片刻
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