AEATECHNOLoGY ENGINEERING SOFTWAR Output File The output file by default contains physical models numerics ). Front-end printing model topology real boundary conditions 2) residual and monitoring point values 3). flow field variables at the end of the calculation /time step 4). wall information at the end of the calculation /time step 5)flow boundary flux information 6). summary of convergence, workspace and CPU time used CFX-4 CFX4.3V4.3.1H Introductory Training(Dec 1999)CFX-4 Introductory Training (Dec 1999) 8 -10 CFX-4.3 V4.3.1H Output File The output file by default contains: 1). Front-end printing physical models & numerics model topology real boundary conditions 2). residual and monitoring point values 3). flow field variables at the end of the calculation / time step 4). wall information at the end of the calculation / time step 5). flow boundary flux information 6). summary of convergence, workspace and CPU time used * *