应用生态学报2010年2月第21卷第2期 Chinese Joumal of App lied Eookgy F 201 21(2):351-358 施氮对高产小麦群体动态、产量和 土壤氮素变化的影响 叶优良”王桂良 朱云集李欢欢黄玉芳 (河南农业大学资源与环境学院.郑州450002) 摘要选用多穗型小麦品种豫麦49198和大穗型小麦品种兰考矮早八以河南温县和兰考 为试验地点,在090、180、270.360Nkgm2水平下,通过田间试验对小麦群体动态、产量 和土壤氮素变化进行了研究.结果表明:两个品种小麦都是从出苗开始群体数量不断增加,到 拔节期达到最大,然后开始下降.在不同施氮水平和试验点间,豫麦49198在越冬期和返青期 ,拔节以后不同氮水平间群体数量差异显著:而兰考矮早八在所 育时期,不同施氮水平问群体数量都没有显著差异随氮肥用量的增加,小麦产量增加,但 量施氮则使小麦产量下降,豫麦49198以270Nkgm水平下产量最高,在温县和兰考点 分别为9523和9867kg°hm2,兰考缕早八以180Nkg·m2水平下产量最高,在温县和兰 考点分别为9258和9832kg·m随着氯肥用量的增加.土填硝态复含量和氮素表观损男 增加,豫麦49-198在温县和兰考点的氮素表观损失分别占氮肥用量的325阮一51.84%和 16.70 者矮早八则分别占氮肥用 18.58 2.94 11.50 45.80% 在本研究 境效应,0-90m土壤硝态氮累积量不应超过12 ~140kgm2小麦氮用量不能超过180kg·hm2 关键词高产小素群体动态硝态氨氨素表观损尖 文章编号 100L9332(2010)02035108中图分类号 S143.1S512.1文献标识码A fer on popution dynm s and y wheat an (c 450002 China)Chin J.Appl Eol,2010 21(2):3513 A bstract Taking wheat varietes Yu ai 49-198 (multr spike phenotype)and Lankao A izao 8 large-spke phenotype)as test material fiel experinents were conducted at W enxian and Lankao sites ofHenan Province to study he effects of nitogen fertilization on the ir populaton dy nan ics and vield and on the alteration of soil nitrogen Fie nitrogen applicatin rates i e.Q 90 180 270 and 360N kg hm'were installed The poou lation amount of the wo test varietie were all inereased after en er reached the h ghest at iontng stag and decreased afterw ards As brYu ai49-198 its at had n atw interng and tum ng meen stages mong he five nitmgen ann lication rates and wo exerinental sites but d iffered sinif eantly after iontng stage w ih the nit rogen application rates For Lankao A izao 8 its popu lation mount had no sunificant a即pplication rates during whole wth peri od The gran yiel of the wwo varietes incr sed wih the ncrease of nitmg fertili sed the ai 49-198 had the h ghest vieH at 270 I 8 had the hgh st yield at 180 N kg. "bc9258md9g32k ek W ith th soil ntra Nconcentration and apparent nitrogen ed and Lankao sites the app ◆教有部科学技术研究重点项目(2074)、河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划项目(2010STTB4)、国家重点基础研究发展计划专项 (20CB06衣业部公益性行业科研专项(2008030和河南衣业大学科技创新基金项目(209-X0☑)资助 200-0417收稿2009 demic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.ne 施氮对高产小麦群体动态、产量和 土壤氮素变化的影响 * 叶优良 * * 王桂良 朱云集 李欢欢 黄玉芳 ( 河南农业大学资源与环境学院, 郑州 450002) 摘 要 选用多穗型小麦品种豫麦 49198和大穗型小麦品种兰考矮早八, 以河南温县和兰考 为试验地点, 在 0、90、180、270、360 N kg hm - 2水平下, 通过田间试验对小麦群体动态、产量 和土壤氮素变化进行了研究. 结果表明: 两个品种小麦都是从出苗开始群体数量不断增加, 到 拔节期达到最大, 然后开始下降. 在不同施氮水平和试验点间, 豫麦 49198在越冬期和返青期 群体数量没有显著差异, 拔节以后不同氮水平间群体数量差异显著; 而兰考矮早八在所有生 育时期, 不同施氮水平间群体数量都没有显著差异. 随氮肥用量的增加, 小麦产量增加, 但过 量施氮则使小麦产量下降, 豫麦 49198以 270 N kg hm - 2水平下产量最高, 在温县和兰考点 分别为 9523和 9867 kg hm - 2 , 兰考矮早八以 180 N kg hm - 2水平下产量最高, 在温县和兰 考点分别为 9258和 9832 kg hm - 2 . 随着氮肥用量的增加, 土壤硝态氮含量和氮素表观损失 增加, 豫麦 49198在温县和兰考点的氮素表观损失分别占氮肥用量的 3256% ~ 5184% 和 - 1670% ~ 4260% , 兰考矮早八则分别占氮肥用量的 1858% ~ 5294% 和 - 1150% ~ 4580%. 在本研究条件下, 兼顾产量和环境效应, 0~ 90 cm 土壤硝态氮累积量不应超过 120 ~ 140 kg hm - 2 , 小麦氮用量不能超过 180 kg hm - 2 . 关键词 高产小麦 群体动态 硝态氮 氮素表观损失 文章编号 1001- 9332( 2010) 02- 0351- 08 中图分类号 S1431, S5121 文献标识码 A * 教育部科学技术研究重点项目 ( 209074 )、河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划项目 ( 2010HASTIT034 )、国家重点基础研究发展计划专项 ( 2009CB118606 )、农业部公益性行业科研专项 ( 200803030)和河南农业大学科技创新基金项目 ( 2009CX027 )资助. * * 通讯作者. Em ai:l ylye2004@ 163. com 20090417收稿, 20091124接受. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on population dynam ics and y ield of highyielding wheat and on alteration of soil nitrogen. YE Youliang, WANG Gu iliang, ZHU Yunj,i LI Huanhuan, HUANG Yufang (Co llege of R esources and E nvironm ent, H enan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China ). Chin. J. App l. E col. , 2010, 21( 2): 351- 358. Abstract: Taking wheat varieties Yum ai 49198 ( multispike phenotype) and Lankao A izao 8 ( largespike pheno type) as test materia ls, fie ld experiments w ere conducted at W enx ian and Lankao sites o fHenan Prov ince to study the effects of n itrogen fertilization on the ir population dy nam ics and y ield and on the a lteration of so il nitrogen. F ive nitrogen application rates, i. e. , 0, 90, 180, 270, and 360 N kg hm - 2 w ere installed. The popu lation amount of the two test varieties w ere all increased after em ergence, reached the h ighest at jo inting stage, and decreased afterw ards. As fo rYum ai 49198, its popu lation amoun t had no significant differences atw intering and turn ing green stages among the five n itrogen app lication ra tes and two experimenta l sites, but d iffered signif icantly a fter jo inting stage w ith the nitrogen application rates. For Lankao A izao 8, its popu lation amount had no significant differences among the nitrogen application rates during who le grow th peri od. The gra in y ield of the tw o varieties increased w ith the increase of n itrogen fertilization rate, but excessive nitrogen fertilization decreased the gra in y ie ld. Yumai 49198 had the h ighest yie ld at 270 N kg hm - 2 , be ing 9523 and 9867 kg hm - 2 atW enx ian and Lanako sites, respectively, wh ile Lankao A izao 8 had the h ighest y ield at 180 N kg hm - 2 , being 9258 and 9832 kg hm - 2 at W enx ian and Lanako sites, respectively. W ith the increase of n itrogen fertilization rate, soil n itrate N concentration and apparent nitrogen loss increased. A tW enx ian and Lankao sites, the apparent 应 用 生 态 学 报 2010年 2月 第 21卷 第 2期 Ch inese Journa l of App lied E co logy, Feb. 2010, 21( 2): 351- 358
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