Background and terminology 2.quota:a proportional share,as of goods,assigned to a group or to each member of a group;an allotment配额,限额 import quotas进口配额;.输入限额 unilateral quotas单边配额 negotiated bilateral quotas协定双边配额 negotiated multilateral quotas协定多边配额 tariff quotas:关税配额 absolute quotas:绝对配额 allocated quotas国别配额,分配配额 common quotas共同配额 country quotas国家配额 customs/.duty.quotas关税配额 export quota输出限额;出可配额 importer quota进口商配额 mixing quota混合配额 voluntary export quota自愿出口配额 刿价爱所質易大考Background and terminology Background and terminology 2.quota: a proportional share, as of 2.quota: a proportional share, as of goods, assigned to a group or to each goods, assigned to a group or to each member of a group; an allotment of a group; an allotment 配额,限额 import quotas import quotas 进口配额;输入限额 unilateral quotas unilateral quotas 单边配额 negotiated bilateral quotas negotiated bilateral quotas 协定双边配额 negotiated multilateral quotas negotiated multilateral quotas 协定多边配额 tariff quotas tariff quotas关税配额 absolute quotas absolute quotas绝对配额 allocated quotas allocated quotas国别配额, 分配配额 common quotas common quotas共同配额 country quotas country quotas国家配额 customs/duty quotas customs/duty quotas关税配额 export quota export quota输出限额;出口配额 importer quota importer quota进口商配额 mixing quota mixing quota混合配额 voluntary export quota voluntary export quota自愿出口配额