760 stroop task.Ne inlucate nd IOR-OT Campbell,K.L Grady,C.L.Ng.C.Hasher,L.(2012).Age ereat potential as a relible and obiective inde for assess ing cognitive functions of older individuals arach Np s0.212- Castel,A.D.Chasteen,A.LScialfa,C&Pratt,2003).Adul Supplementary Material age diffe return.Tb -759.doi 10. Sciences online. Cerella,J.(1985).Information processing rates in the cl doi:10.10370033 Funding Davidson,D.JZacks,R.T&Williams,C.C.(2003).Stroop inter 10.85-98 4-10 107 carch of a det doe10.375813414015-083S-3e 7,1647-1654 Author Contributions ang,J.P,Tang,H.D.,Wang .J2014 ersion o data under the e and ing mild Alzheimer's disease and mild ognitive imnair Ding De eriatrie Cogiie Disorders,37223-231 g11T、a mini m eral Psychiatry,40.812 Acknowledgments R y Andel R A 018)The on m,k parameters and n00017S104 1021700Py Conflict of Interest vry.R.B..Mangun.G.R.(2014).Cognitite euroscience:The biology of the mind (4th ed.).New York The authors declare no conflict of interest. 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