IBM Memo on cDc6600 Thomas Watson Jr, IBM CEO, August 1963 st week Control Data. announced the 6600 system. I understand that in the a6 oratory developi门g the system there are only 34 people including the janitor Or these 14 are engineers and 4 are programmers.Contrasting this modest effort with our vast development activities, T t all, to understand why we haye lost our industry leadership position, by /etting someone else offer the world's most powerful computer To which Cray replied: It seems like Mr. Watson has answered his own question 2021/1/29 计算机体系结构IBM Memo on CDC6600 Thomas Watson Jr., IBM CEO, August 1963: “Last week, Control Data ... announced the 6600 system. I understand that in the laboratory developing the system there are only 34 people including the janitor. Of these, 14 are engineers and 4 are programmers... Contrasting this modest effort with our vast development activities, I fail to understand why we have lost our industry leadership position by letting someone else offer the world's most powerful computer.” To which Cray replied: “It seems like Mr. Watson has answered his own question.” 2021/1/29 计算机体系结构 9
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