X CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. ON PERFECT GASES. PAGE 81. The Gaseous Condition of Bodies 38 82. Approximate Principle as to Heat absorbed by Gases 42 83. On the Form which the equation expressing the first Main Prin- ciple assumes in the case of Perfect Gases 43 $4.Deduction as to the two Specific Heats and transformation of the foregoing equations 46 $5.Relation between the two Specifie Heats,and its application to calculate the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat 48 86. Various Formule relating to the Specifie Heats of Gases 52 §7. Numerical Calenlation of the Specific Heat at Constant Volume 56 s8. Integration of the Differential Equations which express the First Main Principle in the case of Gases 60 $9.Determination of the External Work done during the change of Volume of8Gas··· 61 CHAPTER III. SECOND MAIN PRINCIPLE OF THE MECHANICAL THEORY OF HEAT. $1.Description of a special form of Cyelical Process. 63 $2.Result of the Cyclieal Process 71 83. Cyelical Process in the case of a body composed partly of Liquid and partly of Vapour. 73 §生 Carnot's view as to the work performed during the Cyelical Proce88· 76 s5. New Fundamental Principle concerning Heat 78 $6.Proof that the Relation between the Heat carried over,and that converted into work,is independent of the matter which forms the medium of the change 79 87. Determination of the Function(TT). 81 §8. Cyelical Processes of a more complicated character 84 89. Cyclical Processes in which taking in of Heat and change of Temperature take place simultaneously . ·87 CHAPTER IV. THE SECOND MAIN PRINCIPLE UNDER ANOTHER FORM;OR PRIN- CIPLE OP THE EQUIVALENCE OF TRANSFORMATIONS. $1.On the different kinds of Transformations. 91 $2.On a Cyclical Process of Special Form 02 83. On Equivalent Transformations·· 6 pomedvCOOgle§1. § 2. § 3. §4. § 5. § 6. § 7. § 8. § 9. CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. ON PERFECT GASES. The Gaseous Condition of Bodies • • • Approximate Principle as to Heat absorbed by Gases. . • On the Form which the equation expressing the first Main Prin￾ciple assumes in the case of Perfect Gases • • • • Deduction as to the two Specific Heats and transformation of the foregoing equations • • • • • • • • Relation between the two Specific Heats, and its application to calculate the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. • Various Formullll relating to the Specific Heats of Gases. • Numerical Calculation of the Specific Heat at Constant Volume . Integration of the Di1ferential Equations which /lxpress the First Main Principle in the case of Gases • . • • • Determination of the External Work done during the change of Volume of a Gas CHAPTER III. PAGFl Sf! 42 4S 46 48 62 56 60 64 SECOND MAIN PRINCIPLE OF THE MECHANICAL THEORY OF IIEAT. §1. § 2. § S. §4. § 5. § 6. § 7. § 8. § 9. Description of a special form of Cyclical Process • Result of the Cyclical Process • • • • • • . Cyclical Process in the case of a body composed partly of Liquid and partly of Vapour • • • • • • • . Carnot's view as to the work performed during the Cyclical Process. • • • • • • New Fundamental Principle concerning Heat • • • • Proof that the Relation between the Heat carried over, and that converted into work, is independent of the matter which forms the medium of the change. • • Determination of the Function .p (Tl Tt) • • Cyclical Processes of a more complicated character • • • Cyclical Processes in which taking in of Heat and change of Tempera.ture take place simultaneonsly • CHAPTER IV. 69 71 73 7/l 78 79 81 84 R7 THE SECOND MAIN PRINCIPLE UNDER ANOTHER FORM; OR PRIN￾CIPLE OF THE EQUIVALENCE OF TRANSFORliATIONS. § 1. On the di1ferent kinds of Transformations § 2. On a. Cyclical Process of Special Form § 3. On Equivalent Transformations • Digitized by Coogle III !J:! 116
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