Example of a consonant and Vowel Soundfilehttp://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/khwong/www2/cmsc5707/sar1.wav The sound of'sar'id )in Cantonese The sampling frequency is 22050 Hz, so the duration is2x104×(1/22050}=09070 seconds By inspection, the consonant's' is roughly from Consonant (s), Vowel(ar) 0.2x10 samples to 0.6 x10samples 啁 Figurel The vowel'ar'ifom062×104 samples to122×104 Tools Desktop Window Help 口aa samples The lower diagram shows a 20ms( which is 20/1000)(1/22050=441=samples)segment(vowel soundar)taken from the middle( from the location at the 1x 104 th sample of the sound. -0 %Sound sourceis from httpwww.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/khwong/www2/cmsc5707/sar1.wav 40608 [x, fs]=wavread ( sar1. wav): %Matlab source to produce plots fs %so period =1/fs, during of 20ms is 20/1000 The vowel %for 20ms you need to have n20ms=(20/1000) /(1/fs) n20m=(20/1000/1/s)%20 ms samples wave is periodic figure(1)clf, subplot(2, 1, 1), plot(x) ubplot( 2, 1, 2 ) T1=round(len/2): %starting point plot(x(T1T1+n20ms 35040045 Feature extraction v 9aExample of a Consonant and Vowel Sound file : http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~khwong/www2/cmsc5707/sar1.wav The sound of ‘sar’ (沙) in Cantonese • The sampling frequency is 22050 Hz, so the duration is 2x104x(1/22050)=0.9070 seconds. • By inspection, the consonant ‘s’ is roughly from 0.2x104 samples to 0.6 x104 samples. • The vowel ‘ar’ is from 0.62 x104 samples to 1.2 2x104 samples. • The lower diagram shows a 20ms (which is (20/1000)/(1/22050)=441=samples) segment (vowel sound ‘ar’) taken from the middle (from the location at the 1x104 th sample) of the sound. • %Sound source is from http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~khwong/www2/cmsc5707/sar1.wav • [x,fs]=wavread('sar1.wav'); %Matlab source to produce plots • fs % so period =1/fs, during of 20ms is 20/1000 • %for 20ms you need to have n20ms=(20/1000)/(1/fs) • n20ms=(20/1000)/(1/fs) %20 ms samples • len=length(x) • figure(1),clf, subplot(2,1,1),plot(x) • subplot(2,1,2),T1=round(len/2); %starting point • plot(x(T1:T1+n20ms)) • Consonant (s), Vowel(ar) Feature extraction, v.9a 24 The vowel wave is periodic
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