3981 PLENARY SPEECHES 112 one,two three four five six seven cight nine ten 113 AW that's right 114 vah 115 where did YOU learn English? 116 Clerk: America 117 AW [oh=] Clerk ny]years ago <HI you know I start firom beginning 120 I start from one,two three four five. HI> 121 I never know it in my life because my mother come 2 when I come in 19 uh 80 133 I still went to ESL program 124 I still learn 125 网 yahyah 128 Clerk (toDF》when me ag when I (was)here 129 twenty years early twenty years ago 130 nada speak English I spoke no English 131 DE- Clerk none todo Englishaq everything/all English here 134 DF: ah 135 Clerk learn first 136 ABCD 137 8 DF ano mas (one)more year 140 ah 141 entiendes Maya 142 AW a lot of people speak Maya here 143 Clerk yeah 1 AW you're learning some Mava? Clerk uh::not much 146 Latinos is <LO??LO> 147 ahi esta? that's it? eh=en la tardel [y=/ In the afternoon and Clerk398 PLENARY SPEECHES 112 one, two three four five six seven eight nine ten. 113 AW: that’s right 114 yah 115 where did YOU learn English? 116 Clerk: America 117 AW: [oh=] 118 Clerk: [many] years ago 119 <HI you know I start from beginning 120 I start from one, two three four five. HI> 121 I never know it in my life because my mother come 122 when I come in 19 uh 80 123 I still went to ESL program 124 I still learn 125 that’s why he [can too] 126 AW: [yah] 127 yah yah 128 Clerk: ((to DF)) when me aqu´ı when I (was) here 129 twenty years early twenty years ago 130 nada speak English I spoke no English 131 DF: nada none 132 Clerk: nada none 133 todo English aqu´ı everything/all English here 134 DF: ah 135 Clerk: learn first 136 ABCD 137 todo aqu´ı everything here 138 DF: ah, entiendes Maya, ah, you understand Maya 139 ano m ˜ as˜ (one) more year 140 ah 141 entiendes Maya 142 AW: a lot of people speak Maya here, huh? 143 Clerk: yeah 144 AW: you’re learning some Maya? 145 Clerk: uh:: not much 146 Latinos is <LO??LO> 147 DF: ah´ı esta? that’s it? 148 eh= en la tarde/[y=/] In the afternoon and 149 Clerk: [OK] https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444808005065 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. University of Connecticut, on 01 Nov 2018 at 16:55:52, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at
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