Part Four:Writing and Translation>>Translation Return 2)Economic globalization is the objective trend of the economic development in the world today (1),featured by the free flow and optimized allocation of capital, technology,information and service in the global context (2),has made the economic interdependence and interaction between various countries ever stronger (3) and brought about new driving forces and opportunities for the economic development of all countries in the world (4). 在汉译英时,通过分析中文长句中各部分的逻辑关系, 可以选用恰当的英语句型和连接手段,确保译文符合英语 表达习惯。从上述两种译文也可以看出,翻译本身具有一 定程度的灵活性,尽管他们之间差别不是很大。Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 2) Economic globalization is the objective trend of the economic development in the world today (1), featured by the free flow and optimized allocation of capital, technology, information and service in the global context (2), has made the economic interdependence and interaction between various countries ever stronger (3) and brought about new driving forces and opportunities for the economic development of all countries in the world (4). 在汉译英时,通过分析中文长句中各部分的逻辑关系, 可以选用恰当的英语句型和连接手段,确保译文符合英语 表达习惯。从上述两种译文也可以看出,翻译本身具有一 定程度的灵活性,尽管他们之间差别不是很大
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