主要发表论文目录2 从地质学家到生物学家 1846年: 《南美地质观察》 (Geological Observations on South America) 1849年: 《地质学》 (Geology),发表在约翰·弗里德里希·威廉·赫歇尔所编 的《科学调查手册》(A Manual of scientific enquiry;prepared for the use of Her Majesty's Navy:and adapted for travellers in general.) 1851年:《蔓足亚纲》A Monograph of the Sub-class Cirripedia,with Figures of all the Species.The Lepadidae;or,Pedunculated Cirripedes. 1851年:《茗荷科化石》A Monograph on the Fossil Lepadidae;or, Pedunculated Cirripedes of Great Britain 1854年:《蔓足亚纲》A Monograph of the Sub-class Cirripedia,with Figures of all the Species.The Balanidae (or Sessile Cirripedes);the Verrucidae,etc. 1854年:《藤壶科与花笼科》A Monograph on the Fossil Balanidae and Verrucidae of Great Britain. 1858年: 《讨论物种形成变异的趋向;以及变异的永久性和物种受选择的自 然意义》 (On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties;and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by1846年:《南美地质观察》(Geological Observations on South America) 1849年:《地质学》(Geology),发表在约翰·弗里德里希·威廉·赫歇尔所编 的《科学调查手册》(A Manual of scientific enquiry; prepared for the use of Her Majesty's Navy: and adapted for travellers in general.)。 1851年:《蔓足亚纲》A Monograph of the Sub-class Cirripedia, with Figures of all the Species. The Lepadidae; or, Pedunculated Cirripedes. 1851年:《茗荷科化石》A Monograph on the Fossil Lepadidae; or, Pedunculated Cirripedes of Great Britain 1854年:《蔓足亚纲》A Monograph of the Sub-class Cirripedia, with Figures of all the Species. The Balanidae (or Sessile Cirripedes); the Verrucidae, etc. 1854年:《藤壶科与花笼科》A Monograph on the Fossil Balanidæ and Verrucidæ of Great Britain. 1858年:《讨论物种形成变异的趋向;以及变异的永久性和物种受选择的自 然意义》(On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by 从地质学家到生物学家 主要发表论文目录2
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