January 1999 Fiber Effects on Minicomposite Mechanical Properties for Several SiC/Cv1-SiC Matrix System 9J. Lamon, F. Rebillat, and A G. Evans, ""Microcomposite Test Procedure allout in Brittle Composites with Friction, Mech. Mater, 9, 139-63 rface Properties of Ceramic Matrix Composites, ' J.Ar 2T.A. Parthasarathy, D B. Marshall, and R J. Kerans, ""Analysis of the D. R. Mumm and K. T. Faber. "Interfacial Debonding and Sliding in ffect Brittle- Matrix red Using an Improved Fiber Pullout Tech- trix Composites, " Acta Metall. Mater, 42[11]3773-84(1 A. Parthasarathy and R J. Kerans,""Predicted Effects G.N. Morscher, J. Martinez-Fernandez, and M. J. Purdy, Determination Roughness on the Behavior of Selected Ceramic Composites, J Am Ceram of Interfacial Properties Using a Single-Fiber Microcomposite Test, J. Am. Soc., 80 [8]2043-55 (1997). cerapMatrix shall. "Analysis of Fiber Debonding and Sliding Experiments in Hysteresis Measurements and the Constituent Properties of Cera Ise. M. 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