G D. Roy et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 30 (2004)545-672 中f ig. 1. Predicted dependencies of (a) detonation velocity Dc, (b) temperature TcJ, (c) dimensionless pressure Pc/po, and(d) molecular I Ac of detonation products on fuel molar fraction in gaseous iso-octane-air(solid curves)and n-heptane-air(dashed curves) mixtures [95]- Vertical lines correspond to stoichiometric fuel molar fraction vf.st 2900 To/K T。/K Fig. 2. Calculated dependencies of (a)detonation velocity Dc. (b)temperature Tc, (c)dimensi sure pcpo detonation products Ac on the initial temperature and pressure for stoichiometric iso-octa ture95}:1-po=0.5atm,2-10 -20.4-5.0.and5-10.0atmFig. 1. Predicted dependencies of (a) detonation velocity DCJ; (b) temperature TCJ; (c) dimensionless pressure pCJ=p0; and (d) molecular mass mCJ of detonation products on fuel molar fraction in gaseous iso-octane–air (solid curves) and n-heptane–air (dashed curves) mixtures [95]. Vertical lines correspond to stoichiometric fuel molar fraction cf;st: Fig. 2. Calculated dependencies of (a) detonation velocity DCJ; (b) temperature TCJ; (c) dimensionless pressure pCJ=p0; and (d) molecular mass of detonation products mCJ on the initial temperature and pressure for stoichiometric iso-octane–air mixture [95]; 1—p0 ¼ 0:5 atm, 2—1.0, 3—2.0, 4—5.0, and 5—10.0 atm. G.D. Roy et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 30 (2004) 545–672 553
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