◇1553年,葡萄牙人来到中国沿海,占据了澳门。在香港被割让给英国之 前,澳门是欧洲与中国交往的主要窗口和通道。 In 1553 the Portuguese first arrived on the Chinese coast and settled down in Macau (thus named after the local god,Mazu).Before the British took Hong Kong in the mid 19th century,Macau served as the entry point to China for countless Westerner missionaries and traders since 1553. ◇与此同时,西班牙人和荷兰人也相继来到中国,其中荷兰人曾一度占据 了台湾南部。1662年,郑成功收复台湾,荷兰侵略者在台湾38年的殖民 统治宣告结束。 During this period both the Spanish and Dutch made frequent visits to the Chinese coast,the Dutch using their colony in Indonesia to then set-up a base on the south of Taiwan Island.In 1662,the Dutch finally surrendered and with the withdrawal of some 900 Dutch colonists so ended 38 years of Dutch rule over the island. 1553年,葡萄牙人来到中国沿海,占据了澳门。在香港被割让给英国之 前,澳门是欧洲与中国交往的主要窗口和通道。  In 1553 the Portuguese first arrived on the Chinese coast and settled down in Macau (thus named after the local god, Mazu).Before the British took Hong Kong in the mid 19th century, Macau served as the entry point to China for countless Westerner missionaries and traders since 1553.  与此同时,西班牙人和荷兰人也相继来到中国,其中荷兰人曾一度占据 了台湾南部。1662年,郑成功收复台湾,荷兰侵略者在台湾38年的殖民 统治宣告结束。  During this period both the Spanish and Dutch made frequent visits to the Chinese coast, the Dutch using their colony in Indonesia to then set-up a base on the south of Taiwan Island.In 1662,the Dutch finally surrendered and with the withdrawal of some 900 Dutch colonists so ended 38 years of Dutch rule over the island
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