14.But for a long time we hardly saw any lights, we see the shore. A.did nor B.nor did C.nor do D.nor 15. It would of his politica ,to become a senator from the South A.however charming and capable B.charming and having capable C.even with charm and so capable D.though charming and eapable 16 "Imissed class today.What's the homework for tomorrow?""Nothing because Professor Black A.neither was there B.wasn't either there C.was there neither D.wasn't there either 17.Why not」 him do the job by himself? A.letting B.are letting C.to let D.let 18."Can you postpone it?""I am afraid A.not B.can no C.can not postpone D.it doesn't he joined in voluntary labour on a project A.being there B.there C.he there D.was there 20.She hurriedly left the room as though A.angry B.she angry C.anger D.angrily I1.Identify theone that is w ish in each of the following sentences 1.Mary and her sister lied last B C 2.Children,he believes are supposed to answer politely when spoke to by an adult B D 3.Fill in the blanks with articles where is necessar D 4.She advised me not to say anything until ask. A B C D 5.He isn'tdriving to the convention in M arch,and neirther they are D 6.As schedule they meton March 2at the Chinese Embassy 7.He ismore of a post thanadramatist is AB C D 8.Let those who can serve as them serve as teachers. 9.carefreeor worried,she was always restrained in her 10.The sooner perform the operation,the greater the hope of saving the hand. A B CD SKEY:1.1-5 DDABC 6-10 BDACB 11-15 DACBA 16-20 DDAAA II.1-5 DDDDD6-10 BDCBA 14. But for a long time we hardly saw any lights, _ we see the shore. A. did nor B. nor did C. nor do D. nor 15. It would be difficult for a man of his political affiliation, _, to become a senator from the South. A. however charming and capable B. charming and having capable C. even with charm and so capable D. though charming and capable 16. “I missed class today. What’s the homework for tomorrow?” “Nothing, because Professor Black _.” A. neither was there B. wasn’t either there C. was there neither D. wasn’t there either 17. Why not _ him do the job by himself? A. letting B. are letting C. to let D. let 18. “Can you postpone it?” “I am afraid _.” A. not B. can not C. can not postpone D. it doesn’t 19. While _ he joined in voluntary labour on a project. A. being there B. there C. he there D. was there 20. She hurriedly left the room as though _. A. angry B. she angry C. anger D. angrily II.Identify the one that is wrong in standard written English in each of the following sentences: 1. Mary and her sister studied last year, and so does Betty. A B C D 2. Children, he believes, are supposed to answer politely when spoke to by an adult. A B C D 3. Fill in the blanks with articles where is necessary. A B C D 4. She advised me not to say anything until ask. A B C D 5. He isn’t driving to the convention in M arch, and neirther they are. A B C D 6. As schedule, they met on March 20 at the Chinese Embassy. A B C D 7. He is more of a post than a dramatist is. A B C D 8. Let those who can serve as them serve as teachers. A B C D 9. Happy or sadness, carefree or worried, she was always restrained in her expressions. A B C D 10. The sooner perform the operation, the greater the hope of saving the hand. A B C D SKEY: I. 1-5 DDABC 6-10 BDACB 11-15 DACBA 16-20 DDAAA II. 1-5 DDDDD 6-10 BDCBA
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