●●● ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● ●●●●● In paintings ●●●● . Western Fresco by Raphael, 1510 1511, Stanza della signatura Vatican palace. Rome ● Chinese 《富春山居圖》 是元朝畫家黄公望 的作品,創作於 1347年至1350年 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains(富春 山居圖) by huang Gongwang (1269-1354) 3D computer vsion techniques v 4b2 http://ww.esflinders.eduau/-mattom/sciencetsocietyllectures/llustrations/ecture17/schoolathens.html3D computer vision techniques v.4b2 11 In paintings ⚫ Western ⚫ Fresco by Raphael, 1510 - 1511, Stanza della Signatura, Vatican Palace, Rome. ⚫ Chinese ⚫ 《富春山居圖》 是元朝畫家黃公望 的作品,創作於 1347年至1350年 ⚫ Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains (富春 山居圖) by Huang Gongwang (1269–1354) http://www.es.flinders.edu.au/~mattom/science+society/lectures/illustrations/lecture17/schoolathens.html http://jsl641124.blog.163.com/blog/static/17702514320115219508530/