September 1998 Creep and Fatigue Behavior in an Enhanced SiC/SiC Composite at High Temperature 2277 Temperature Cyclic Fatigue of Silicon Carbide Fiber Reinforced Silicon Car- 29R. Bodet, J. Lamon, N. Jia, and R. E. Tressler, " Microstru J C Stability and Creep Behavior of Si-C-O(Nicalon) Fibers in F W. Zok, and A G. Evans, "Oxidation Monoxide and Argon Environments, " J. A. Ceram. Soc., 79 [10J 2673-86 Embrittlement Probe for Ceramic-Matrix Composites, " J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 78 82097-100(1 PA. G. Evans and F. w. Zok, " The Physics and Mechanics of Brittle Matrix IP. Reynaud, D. Rouby, G. Fantozzi, F. Abbe, and P. Peres, "Cyclic Fatigue of Ceramic-Matrix Composites, pp 85-94 in Ce M.R. Begley, B N Cox, and R. M. MeMeeking, " Time Dependent Crack tre Ceramic-Matrix Ce opposites 1. De Growth in Ceramic Matrix Composites with Creeping Fibers, " Acta Metall. sign, Durability, and Performance. Edited by A G. Evans and R. 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