1/24/2018 Elixir of Sulfanilamide Elixir of Sulfanilamide raspberry flavored death few of the books published rmrCalhaun 100000.000 GUINEA PIGS AMERICAO CHAMBER them inn which I had used for years in such cases suddenly HORRORS had become a deadly poison in its newest and most modern form,as recommended by a great and reputable pharmaceutical firm in Tennessee:well, that realization has given me such days and nights of mental and spiritual agony as Idid not believe relief from this agony." Food Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 Food Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 Pres.Franklin Roosevelt signed this act New provisions of the act included Several hundred amendments that Providing safe tolerances be set for regulate food supply unavoidable poisonous substances Authorizing food standards of identity Corrected many deficiencies of the Pure quality.and fill-of-container for foods Food and Drug Act Authorizing factory inspections Adding the remedy of court injunctions to the previous penalties of seizures and prosecutions Expansion of the definitions of adulteration and misbranding 1/24/2018 16 Elixir of Sulfanilamide raspberry flavored death 1937 letter excerpt from Dr. AS Calhoun to President Roosevelt "But to realize that six human beings, all of them my patients, one of them my best friend, are dead because they took medicine that I prescribed for them innocently, and to realize that that medicine which I had used for years in such cases suddenly had become a deadly poison in its newest and most modern form, as recommended by a great and reputable pharmaceutical firm in Tennessee: well, that realization has given me such days and nights of mental and spiritual agony as I did not believe a human being could undergo and survive. I have known hours when death for me would be a welcome relief from this agony." Elixir of Sulfanilamide few of the books published Food Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 • Pres. Franklin Roosevelt signed this act • Several hundred amendments that regulate food supply • Corrected many deficiencies of the Pure Food and Drug Act Food Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 • New provisions of the act included - Providing safe tolerances be set for unavoidable poisonous substances - Authorizing food standards of identity, quality, and fill-of-container for foods - Authorizing factory inspections - Adding the remedy of court injunctions to the previous penalties of seizures and prosecutions - Expansion of the definitions of adulteration and misbranding
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