●●● ●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● 1 What does statistic test do? ●●0●● ●●●0 ●●●● EXAMPLE们] General the average height of7 years old° children increases 4cm in one year. Some researcher let 100 of 7 years old children get a bread appended lysine in everyday. After one year the average height of 100 children increases 5cm. and the standard deviation is 2cm Basing on the data can we think: lysine benefits growth of stature of 7 years old children? 21/1/292021/1/29 8 1 What does statistic test do? [EXAMPLE1] General the average height of 7 years old children increases 4cm in one year. Some researcher let 100 of 7 years old children get a bread appended lysine in everyday. After one year the average height of 100 children increases 5cm, and the standard deviation is 2cm. Basing on the data can we think: lysine benefits growth of stature of 7 years old children?