Lesson 15-The President as Corporate Salesman III. Word Building Suffix---ous prosper prosperous Give the corresponding a vigor vigorous jective the following a danger dangerous a space spacious a envy envIous a fu v furious 1 vice v vicious a virtue virtuous a peril perilous glory glorious WBTLE The end of Word Building. BACW B T L E prosper vigor danger space envy fury vice virtue peril glory Suffix-- -ous III. Word Building Give the corresponding adjectives of the following. ✓ prosperous ✓ vigorous ✓ dangerous ✓ spacious ✓ envious ✓ furious ✓ vicious ✓ virtuous ✓ perilous ✓ glorious The end of Word Building. Lesson 15 – The President as Corporate Salesman