Plotting (13/43) Plot of f(x)=sin(2x)and its derivative f(x) d/dx f(x) e.g. x=0pi/100:2*pi; y1=sin(2*x); y2=2*cos(2*X); plot(x,y1,'k-',x,y2,'b--); title('Plot of f(x)=sin(2x)and its derivative'); xlabel('x); ylabel(y); 3 legend("f(x)','d/dx f(x)); grid on; @日济大学 AW TONGJI UNIVERSITY Plotting (13/43) ✓ e.g. x=0:pi/100:2*pi; y1=sin(2*x); y2=2*cos(2*x); plot(x,y1,'k-',x,y2,'b--'); title('Plot of f(x) = sin(2x) and its derivative'); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); legend('f(x)','d/dx f(x)'); grid on;
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