Differentiation of the ectoderm 神经管:CNS,神经垂体 神经嵴:PNs, melanocyte,肾上腺髓质 表面外胚层:表皮及其衍生物,感觉上皮,腺垂体 In general terms it may be stated that the ectoderm gives rise to those organs and structures that maintain contact with the outside worldDifferentiation of the Ectoderm : -神经管:CNS,神经垂体 -神经嵴:PNS,melanocyte,肾上腺髓质 -表面外胚层:表皮及其衍生物,感觉上皮,腺垂体 In general terms it may be stated that the ectoderm gives rise to those organs and structures that maintain contact with the outside world
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