Some of the Proteins Synthesized by the Liver: Physiologic Functions and Properties Serum or Plasma Name Principal Function Binding characteristics Concentration Binding and carrier protein; osmotic Hormones, amino acids Albumin steroids, vitamins, fatty acids 4500-5000 mg/dL Orosomucoid Uncertain; may have a role in inflammation Trace rises in inflammation a,-Antiprotease Trypsin and general protease inhibitor Proteases in serum and tissue secretions 1.3-1. 4 mg/dL a-Fetoprotein Osmotic regulation binding and carrier Hormones, amino acids Found normally in fetal blood a2-Macroglobulin Inhibitor of serum endoproteases 150-420mgdL Antithrombin Protease inhibitor of intrinsic coagulation I: I binding to proteases 17-30 mg/di Ceruloplasmin Transport of copper sⅸ atoms copper/mol 15-60 mg/dL C-reactive protein Uncertain; has role in tissue inflammation Complement Clq <I mg/dL; rises in inflammation Precursor to fibrin in hemostasis 200-450mgdl Binding, transport of cell-free hemoglobin Hemoglobin 1: I binding Binds to porphyrins, particularly heme for 1: I with heme 50-|00mgdL ycling Transfe Two atoms iron/mol 3.0-6.5 mg/dL Apolipopr Assembly of lipoprotein particles id carrier Angiotensinogen Precursor to pressor peptide angiotensin Il Proteins, coagulation factors Il, VI, IX, X Blood clotting 20 mg/dL Antithrombin C, protein C Inhibition of blood clotting Insulinlike growth factor I Mediator of anabolic effects of growth hormone IGF-I receptor Steroid hormone-binding globulin Carrier protein for steroids in bloodstream Steroid hormones 3.3 mg/dL Thyroxine-binding globulin Carrier protein for thyroid hormone in bloodstream Thyroid hormones -l5 mg/dL Transthyretin(thyroid-binding prealbumin) Carrier protein for thyroid hormone in Thyroid hormonesSome of the Proteins Synthesized by the Liver: Physiologic Functions and Properties Name Principal Function Binding Characteristics Serum or Plasma Concentration Albumin Binding and carrier protein; osmotic regulator Hormones, amino acids, steroids, vitamins, fatty acids 4500–5000 mg/dL Orosomucoid Uncertain; may have a role in inflammation Trace; rises in inflammation α1 -Antiprotease Trypsin and general protease inhibitor Proteases in serum and tissue secretions 1.3–1.4 mg/dL α-Fetoprotein Osmotic regulation; binding and carrier proteina Hormones, amino acids Found normally in fetal blood α2 -Macroglobulin Inhibitor of serum endoproteases Proteases 150–420 mg/dL Antithrombin-III Protease inhibitor of intrinsic coagulation system 1:1 binding to proteases 17–30 mg/dL Ceruloplasmin Transport of copper Six atoms copper/mol 15–60 mg/dL C-reactive protein Uncertain; has role in tissue inflammation Complement C1q < 1 mg/dL; rises in inflammation Fibrinogen Precursor to fibrin in hemostasis 200–450 mg/dL Haptoglobin Binding, transport of cell-free hemoglobin Hemoglobin 1:1 binding 40–180 mg/dL Hemopexin Binds to porphyrins, particularly heme for heme recycling 1:1 with heme 50–100 mg/dL Transferrin Transport of iron Two atoms iron/mol 3.0–6.5 mg/dL Apolipoprotein B Assembly of lipoprotein particles Lipid carrier Angiotensinogen Precursor to pressor peptide angiotensin II Proteins, coagulation factors II, VII, IX, X Blood clotting 20 mg/dL Antithrombin C, protein C Inhibition of blood clotting Insulinlike growth factor I Mediator of anabolic effects of growth hormone IGF-I receptor Steroid hormone-binding globulin Carrier protein for steroids in bloodstream Steroid hormones 3.3 mg/dL Thyroxine-binding globulin Carrier protein for thyroid hormone in bloodstream Thyroid hormones 1.5 mg/dL Transthyretin (thyroid-binding prealbumin)Carrier protein for thyroid hormone in bloodstream Thyroid hormones 25 mg/dL
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