National semiconductor LM565/LM565C Phase Locked Loop General Description a 0.2% linearity of demodulated output The LM565 and LM565C are general purpose phase locked Linear triangle wave with in phase zero crossings F2F3o卫 available vCo frequency is set with an external resistor and capacitor, Adjustable hold in range from #% to >#% apacitor. The characteristics of the closed loop Applications system-bandwidth, response speed, capture and pull in a Data and tape synchronization range-may be adjusted over a wide range with an extemal Modems sistor and capacitor. The loop may be broken between the fsk demodulation Vco and the phase detector for insertion of a digital fre- n FM demodulation The LM565H is specified for operation over the C to Frequency synthesizer -125c military temperature range. The LM565CN is speci- ■ Tone deco fied for operation over the o'C to +70'C temperature range. Frequency multiplication and division Features a 200 ppm/'C frequency stability of the vCo ■ Signal regeneration a Power supply range of 5 to #12 volts with 100 ppm/% Coherent demodulators Connection Diagrams Metal Can Packa Dual-in-Line Package INPUT RESISTOR O CONTROL PHASE COMPARATOR 00(Om VOLTAGE PHASE COMPARATOR Order Number LM565CN 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS007853LM565/LM565C Phase Locked Loop General Description The LM565 and LM565C are general purpose phase locked loops containing a stable, highly linear voltage controlled os￾cillator for low distortion FM demodulation, and a double bal￾anced phase detector with good carrier suppression. The VCO frequency is set with an external resistor and capacitor, and a tuning range of 10:1 can be obtained with the same capacitor. The characteristics of the closed loop system — bandwidth, response speed, capture and pull in range — may be adjusted over a wide range with an external resistor and capacitor. The loop may be broken between the VCO and the phase detector for insertion of a digital fre￾quency divider to obtain frequency multiplication. The LM565H is specified for operation over the −55˚C to +125˚C military temperature range. The LM565CN is speci￾fied for operation over the 0˚C to +70˚C temperature range. Features n 200 ppm/˚C frequency stability of the VCO n Power supply range of ±5 to ±12 volts with 100 ppm/% typical n 0.2% linearity of demodulated output n Linear triangle wave with in phase zero crossings available n TTL and DTL compatible phase detector input and square wave output n Adjustable hold in range from ±1% to > ±60% Applications n Data and tape synchronization n Modems n FSK demodulation n FM demodulation n Frequency synthesizer n Tone decoding n Frequency multiplication and division n SCA demodulators n Telemetry receivers n Signal regeneration n Coherent demodulators Connection Diagrams Metal Can Package DS007853-2 Order Number LM565H See NS Package Number H10C Dual-in-Line Package DS007853-3 Order Number LM565CN See NS Package Number N14A May 1999 LM565/LM565C Phase Locked Loop © 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS007853 www.national.com
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