关于《忽必烈汗》 柯勒律治的诗作《忽必烈汗》以其狂放不羁的想象力和浓郁幽婉的异国情调,为后世留下了 部神秘、魔幻的诗作,被《大不列颠百科全书》誉为“英国文学中最伟大的诗作”。 柯勒律治有着天赋的想象力。在他的文艺论著《文学传记》中,关于想象力有这样一段阐述: “最理想的完美诗人能使人的全部灵魂活跃起来,使各种才能互相制约,然而又发挥其各自 的价值与作用。他到处散发着一种和谐一致的情调和精神,促使各物混合并进而溶化为一 所依靠的则是一种善于综合的神奇力量。”《忽必烈汗》就是这“综合的神奇力量”的结晶。 《忽必烈汗》是柯勒律治吸食鸦片后的一个奇幻梦境。据说1797年夏天,他因病在英国乡 间休养。一日因病发疼痛难忍吸食了鸦片,此时他正坐在椅中阅读英国地理学家撒缪尔·帕 切斯的东方游记,读罢“忽必烈汗敕命在此处营造豪华宫殿,并开辟御苑,将方圆十哩沃土 俱囊括在四周墙垣之内”一段后,药力攻心,酣然入睡。梦中赋诗二、三百行,醒来时还依 稀记得全诗,于是急忙提笔追忆,不幸的是一名商人忽然来访,当客人离去后他再要续写时, 梦中的其余诗句已飘然而逝。柯勒律治几次试图补续,无奈总不满意,就此作罢,为世人和 他本人留下了一片遗憾。 《忽必烈汗》虽是残篇,却依然美妙绝伦,为当时的西方人描绘出一幅绚烂的东方景观。诗 中对上都和对忽必烈汗的描写,并不旨在描摹现实,而是借中国题材作为驰骋想象力,和渲 染异国情调的艺术空间。 柏拉图在《伊安篇》里说:“但凡高明的诗人,无论在史诗或抒情诗方面,都不是凭技艺 作成他们的优美的诗歌,而是因为他们得到灵感,有神力附着。”抒情诗人在作诗时,“心 理都受一种迷狂支配”,“(他们)飞到诗神的园里,从流蜜的泉源吸取精英,酿成他们的 诗歌。”柯勒律治的这首诗正如柏拉图所言,似乎是神灵附体时的代言,然而它并不是凭 空而来的“神来之笔”,而是诗人丰厚的文学素养、诗歌功底,和浪漫气质的瞬间升华. From Cummingsstudyguide Type of Work and Publication Year .......Samuel Taylor Coleridge's"Kubla Khan"is a lyric poem centering on the author's response to a dream.According to the author's introduction to the poem,he had the dream in the summer of 1797 and composed the poem after waking up.(The author's grandson,Ernest Harley Coleridge,maintained that his grandfather wrote the poem in 1798 but mistakenly recorded 1797 as the year of composition.)Coleridge published the poem in 1816. Background and Point of View .......In the introduction to "Kubla Khan,"Samuel Taylor Coleridge says he received inspiration for the poem while sojourning at a farmhouse in southwestern England in the summer of 1797.Here is what happened.Feeling a"slight indisposition,"he says,he took a prescribed medicine containing opium and fell asleep at the very moment that he was reading a passage about Kubla Khan(1215-1294)from a travel book by Samuel Purchas (1577-1626).The passage says,in part,"Here the Khan Kubla commanded a palace to be built,and a stately garden thereunto.And thus ten miles of fertile关于《忽必烈汗》 柯勒律治的诗作《忽必烈汗》以其狂放不羁的想象力和浓郁幽婉的异国情调,为后世留下了 一部神秘、魔幻的诗作,被《大不列颠百科全书》誉为“英国文学中最伟大的诗作”。 柯勒律治有着天赋的想象力。在他的文艺论著《文学传记》中,关于想象力有这样一段阐述: “最理想的完美诗人能使人的全部灵魂活跃起来,使各种才能互相制约,然而又发挥其各自 的价值与作用。他到处散发着一种和谐一致的情调和精神,促使各物混合并进而溶化为一, 所依靠的则是一种善于综合的神奇力量。”《忽必烈汗》就是这“综合的神奇力量”的结晶。 《忽必烈汗》是柯勒律治吸食鸦片后的一个奇幻梦境。据说 1797 年夏天,他因病在英国乡 间休养。一日因病发疼痛难忍吸食了鸦片,此时他正坐在椅中阅读英国地理学家撒缪尔•帕 切斯的东方游记,读罢“忽必烈汗敕命在此处营造豪华宫殿,并开辟御苑,将方圆十哩沃土 俱囊括在四周墙垣之内”一段后,药力攻心,酣然入睡。梦中赋诗二、三百行,醒来时还依 稀记得全诗,于是急忙提笔追忆。不幸的是一名商人忽然来访,当客人离去后他再要续写时, 梦中的其余诗句已飘然而逝。柯勒律治几次试图补续,无奈总不满意,就此作罢,为世人和 他本人留下了一片遗憾。 《忽必烈汗》虽是残篇,却依然美妙绝伦,为当时的西方人描绘出一幅绚烂的东方景观。诗 中对上都和对忽必烈汗的描写,并不旨在描摹现实,而是借中国题材作为驰骋想象力,和渲 染异国情调的艺术空间。 柏拉图在《伊安篇》里说:“但凡高明的诗人,无论在史诗或抒情诗方面,都不是凭技艺 作成他们的优美的诗歌,而是因为他们得到灵感,有神力附着。”抒情诗人在作诗时,“心 理都受一种迷狂支配”,“(他们)飞到诗神的园里,从流蜜的泉源吸取精英,酿成他们的 诗歌。”柯勒律治的这首诗正如柏拉图所言,似乎是神灵附体时的代言,然而它并不是凭 空而来的“神来之笔”,而是诗人丰厚的文学素养、诗歌功底,和浪漫气质的瞬间升华. From Cummingsstudyguide Type of Work and Publication Year .......Samuel Taylor Coleridge's “Kubla Khan” is a lyric poem centering on the author's response to a dream. According to the author's introduction to the poem, he had the dream in the summer of 1797 and composed the poem after waking up. (The author's grandson, Ernest Harley Coleridge, maintained that his grandfather wrote the poem in 1798 but mistakenly recorded 1797 as the year of composition.) Coleridge published the poem in 1816. Background and Point of View .......In the introduction to "Kubla Khan," Samuel Taylor Coleridge says he received inspiration for the poem while sojourning at a farmhouse in southwestern England in the summer of 1797. Here is what happened. Feeling a “slight indisposition,” he says, he took a prescribed medicine containing opium and fell asleep at the very moment that he was reading a passage about Kubla Khan (1215-1294) from a travel book by Samuel Purchas (1577-1626). The passage says, in part, “Here the Khan Kubla commanded a palace to be built, and a stately garden thereunto. And thus ten miles of fertile
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