1. Components formed elements: 45% red blood cell-erythrocyte white blood cell-leukocyte 日一血浆 platelets plasma:55%,PH7374,90%l water 白细胞、血小板 contain plasma protein(albumin globulin, fibrinogen), lipidprotein 红细胞 enzymes, hormone,vitamin, inorganic NT salt and products of metabolism serum:is plasma in which thel fibrinogen has been removed by clotting1. Components: ---formed elements: 45% red blood cell-erythrocyte white blood cell-leukocyte platelets ---plasma: 55%, PH 7.3-7.4, 90% water contain: plasma protein(albumin, globulin, fibrinogen), lipidprotein, enzymes, hormone, vitamin, inorganic salt and products of metabolism *serum: is plasma in which the fibrinogen has been removed by clotting
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