How does the K-rat live in a desert without drinking water? Can live in a Nocturnal(夜间活动) water free Burrows (洞穴)during day environment Recaptures water loss from lungs in nose Ord Kangaroo Rat Has efficient kidneys and concentrated Dipodomys ordii urine Gets metabolic water from its food (seeds) Gets free water from eating green lea and insects How does the K How does the K-rat live in a desert rat live in a desert without drinking water? without drinking water? Nocturnal (夜间活动) Burrows (洞穴) during day Recaptures water loss from lungs in nose Has efficient kidneys and concentrated urine Gets metabolic water from its food (seeds) Gets free water from eating green leaves and insects Ord Kangaroo Rat Kangaroo Rat Dipodomys Dipodomys ordii Can live in a water free environment
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