Figure 2-3: Syntax of Http Request and Response Messages, Continued Syntax is Http Response Message very rigid Http/1.1 200 OkicrLf Date: Tuesday, 20-JAN-2006 18: 32: 15 GMT[] Server: name of server software[CRLF MIME-version: 1.0[CRLF] Content-type: text/plain[Crlf [] File to be downloaded(byte stream) Syntax of fields (ines) after first line Keyword: Content /CRLFI 2-72-7 Figure 2-3: Syntax of HTTP Request and Response Messages, Continued • HTTP Response Message – HTTP/1.1 200 OK[CRLF] – Date: Tuesday, 20-JAN-2006 18:32:15 GMT[CRLF] – Server: name of server software[CRLF] – MIME-version: 1.0[CRLF] – Content-type: text/plain[CRLF] – [CRLF] – File to be downloaded (byte stream) • Syntax of fields (lines) after first line: – Keyword : Content [CRLF] Syntax is very rigid
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