through p dificrencebet apatient and s Succes htwaralniotcsiaanudhmandpacog hased instruction hes new material,whereas on procedure,entering a (eg nd-practice focuseso 0 in another typeof. ent previously taught specific name nd pass egin a new tut ewiouslysatednes5ioyofconf ADVANTAGES nsive,they are typically .Independent work.Stude about thei school setting is an excell ril formats,including com pace,repeat ers hav a wide nand print that you can ore moving checkout touse with students. ematerial. ed tutorials respond to DISCUSSION LIMITATIONS As a stratepy.discussion involves the exchange of ideas and amongstudents or among students and the teacher. Potentially boring.The re ne during instruct in sm they do or year whe cher's guid- oriasdprovidesorhn topicortodelhremoredeeplyiniofontrodluceane d discussions by introducing questions to discussion topics to stu INTEGRATION ent groups.Be sure ing "What if use higher-levelau peer-urin ents the opportunit ."statements to give in ul for students who have difficulty working generate respo s or who need extra assistance a As a teacher provi ADVANTAGES al or small gro ot studen npresenteda-urnv for the have clear instruc ic and dy know very popular in PK-12 classro ns due to the immediate. sive.Providesop n only a few answerine tudents to speak questions Achieving 21st Century Leaing Environments 92
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